Note on tags

Sep 09, 2007 23:19

... or your mod is stupid inexperienced *sheepish look*

It seems that tags remain private until they are added to a public post. Which means that all of you cannot use them until they've already been used.

So I'm adding them to this post in the hope that everyone can use all tags now.

Also a reminder: The First challenge closes tomorrow. I'd love to see some more entries. *makes grabby hands* And if you have an idea for the next challenge you can post it in that post (or here).

rating: nc-17, author: i need a tag please, pairing: hewligan, genre: pining/unrequited, pairing: other, pairing: john/rodney, pairing: threesome, genre: first time, pairing: joe/david, genre: angst, writing: prompts/ideas/requests, genre: fluff, genre: romance, genre: episode related, genre: pwp, genre: established relationship, rating: pg-13, mod, genre: au, rating: r, writing: beta, writing: challenge/ficathon, writing: feedback/question, genre: friendship/pre-slash, rating: pg, genre: kink, rating: g, genre: humor

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