Team interview: eccentricweft

Aug 18, 2009 18:38

Name: eccentricweft, also known as, well, Eccentric Weft.
Team: Peace team! peace team! rah rah rah!

I completely forgot to invite extra questions, but ask away!

Let's talk about: eccentricweft!

1. How long have you been writing fan fiction and/or making fan art and/or whatever else (vids, knitted goods, pornographic gingerbread cookies)?

If you count making up h/c with lots of self-insertions (*cringe*) about my favorite TV shows, then about 35 years. Online fandom and sharing my fic with others: since 1996, with a hiatus from 2001 to 2005.

2. Have you participated or are you participating in any other fandoms?

I'm monofannish and my loyalties last for years. (I've also worked for the same organization since 1991.) I wrote ST Voyager from 1996 to 2001, then I was inactive, then I came back slowly when TVLand started running Emergency! re-runs and an online fandom developed. Between Voyager and Emergency!, I read LOTR, HP and X-Files whenever semielliptical sent me links to her favorites. She dragged me into SGA at the end of 2006. I'm really grateful!

3. What fanwork are you most proud of? Or, what is your favourite of your fanworks? (links, please!)

Usually my most recent story is my favorite. In SGA, that would be this one. (Careful, it's really sad.)

4. As far as creative processes go, what type of writer/artist are you? Do you create an outline/find photo references/make maps, etc., or do you jump in and go with the flow?

If an idea catches my imagination, I just start writing. I look things up if I'm curious but I'm probably way too willing to handwave away anything inconvenient. Inconsistency in SGA canon (or any show) doesn't ping my radar.

5. Where can interested readers/viewers find more of your work? (homepage, LJ fic index, etc.)

I've moved everything to my Dreamwidth page.

6. Do you write original fiction (poetry, screenplays)? Do you create original art (comics, photographs, quilts, wedding cakes)? Care to share?

I'm kind of a butterfly with everything but fandom, where SGA is my only obsession. At the moment I mostly do knitting and bookbinding. At various times I've done tapestry weaving (that's where "eccentric weft" comes from), icon painting, and lots of quilting. I'm taking a paper sculpture class in 10 days. I've never met a how-to book I didn't want to take home.

7. How are you so awesome?

I really only have occasional moments of awesomeness. Maybe the Peace team is rubbing off on me?

Let's talk about: SGA!

8. What do you enjoy most about SGA and/or SGA fandom?

The creative activity in SGA astounds me: amount, quality, variety. Even after 2+ years of almost daily reading, I still find wonderful stories I haven't seen before. And the people are THE BEST.

9. Why do you ship McKay/Sheppard? What draws you to the pairing, what do you like and dislike? Favourite scenes or episodes? Quotes? Screencaps? What other SGA pairings do you ship?

Oh, wow. So many things to love! The bickering and the attempts to look cool, which make me laugh. The earnestness they both have at certain moments. The trust between them, which neither seems to have had with anyone before. Over the long run, it will help each of them untangle their inner conflicts.

10. Why did you choose to join Team Peace?

Conflict is necessary for a good story, but in general I'd much rather read something where the conflict comes from outside their relationship rather than from tension or anger between them.

11. C'mon, you know you wanna! Just a bit of squee about your Match fic?

It's due in 30 hours and it's not DONE!!! (But it will be.)

12. What are your 'tells'? How can a fic of yours be spotted in the wild? (again, go ahead and make origami out of the truth!)

If there's more than two consecutive sentences of the past perfect tense, it's not mine, or it was stolen from my laptop before I was done editing!


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