As you've probably noticed, the teams are now both filled. Thanks to everyone for the enthusiastic response (it took less than an hour!) and for those who volunteered as backups and betas -- it's great to see people were looking forward to this year's fest as much as we were!
The Top Secret Prompt List of Doom will go out to the Away Team on Friday 25th April at 4pm GMT (
When is that?)and to the Home Team on Sunday 27th April at 2pm GMT, so participants please remember to keep an eye on your Team communities for that -- we'll be posting the prompts for you to claim on the day for your team.
Do please also bear in mind that this is an anonymous challenge, so keep your prompt assignment a secret outside of your team community and your betas.
Next up on this community - the Drabble Tree challenge. Can the Home Team level the score? Or will the Away Team take the honours again? It's up to you! Challenge starts Wednesday April 23rd.