Sign-ups now open - please read this first!

Apr 18, 2008 23:00


Never fear though, you can still sign up as a backup writer, just head on over to this post and leave your LJ name and contact email and we will contact you if someone drops out.

Thank you everyone!

* * *

And we're off!

Sign-ups will remain open until either the teams are filled, or until Sunday April 20th, whichever is sooner.

Not been paying attention, or just need a reminder of what's going on? Check out our rules post, sign-up info and don't forget to grab yourself an icon to support your chosen team when you're done!

Remember that places are limited and disappeared very quickly last year, so if you want to be sure of a place you need to sign up as quickly as possible. If you think the team you want to play for may be filled, it's still worth signing up as long as we haven't officially closed the sign-ups. Just check the most recent comment on the post to be sure.

Please sign up for one team only. Otherwise your mods will go insane trying to work out whether or not the teams are filled!

To sign up for the Home Team, please head over to this post and leave your LJ Name (or that of the person you are signing up for) and email address (not LJ default one) in a comment. **TEAM FULL**

To sign up for the Away Team, please head over to this post and leave your LJ Name (or that of the person you are signing up for) and email address (not your LJ default one, please) in a comment. **TEAM FULL**

You can sign up for someone else (if they have asked you to do so), but please only sign up one person per comment unless the particpants are co-writing for the fest. If two participants are co-writing, only one person should comment. Please include both LJ names and email addresses, and provide a link to a fic that you/they have co-written together.

Not sure you can commit, or too late for the team you wanted? Then go here and volunteer to be a backup writer - remember to tell us which team you are interested in writing for if you have a preference.

Want to volunteer as a beta? Then go here and fill out the simple form that will help match up writers and betas when the time comes!

sign-ups, !mod post

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