1. Why did you decide to join the Match?
It's my last chance. I've always chickened out before, afraid I couldn't finish a fic in time for the posting deadline.
2. What's your favorite genre of fanfic (hurt/comfort, AU, angst, etc and why?)
Hurt/Comfort is my favorite. Especially when it's one of the boys hurt and being comforted in some way by the other. It makes my heart all warm and squishy.
3. What's the biggest surprise you've learned about fandom?
That most of SGA fandom is made up of real, friendly, supportive people who are happy to chat, support or cheerlead and are great friends.
4. Why John and Rodney?
They just *fit* so well together. They snark and pick and kvetch at each other, but they have each others' backs. They compliment each other perfectly. They are both HOT like a very hot thing and together, oh my!
5. Tell me more about your fannish endeavours. Where can we find more of your work?
All of my work is up on my LJ or at AO3 @
outsideth3box 6. What's the strangest/most interesting thing that's inspired one of your works?
I got badly triggered once and ended up writing a fic about John suffering through a non-con situation.
7. Just how Cool are you?
I'm so cool I give myself goosebumps!
shaddyr asked: Tell me about a secret passion or belief that Rodney has that he has never told anyone about. It could be because he feels foolish, or thinks no one will understand. Perhaps he is afraid of being ridiculed. What is it?
(Bonus points if you tell me what he thinks would happend if JOHN found out... and then what ACTUALLY happens when John DOES.)
Aaaaw, now you gotten a story started in my brain. I'll have to write it now. So you'll have to wait.