
Jul 24, 2013 17:29

Let's begin by glossing over my interview due date... excellent! Shall we?

Why did you decide to join the Match?

Writing, friends, McShep -- these are a few of my favourite things! :)

Also it's my third time participating in the match, which apparently is some sort of lucky number? *g* and I've had lovely experiences with it.

What's your favorite genre of fanfic (hurt/comfort, AU, angst, etc and why?)

In SGA, I will read anything -- mostly anything, she amends -- I like canon-based fic a lot, but there are some fantastic AUs, and. I don't know that I have a favourite genre! It really depends on my mood.

For writing, I think I tend to steer toward using elements like humor, action/adventure, and world-building; I love McShep (and Team) banter, and I like dreaming up missions and Pegasus peoples for them to encounter.

Why John and Rodney?

::shameless c/p from previous interview because still the truth!::

That they're so real together - they're best friends, they support each other, they argue, they disagree, they motivate each other, they laugh together, they travel the adventure that is life together. Plus, hey, dual gun!pR0n.

Tell me more about your fannish endeavours. Where can we find more of your work?

Writing, artisting, iconning, drabbling, fanmixing, moodtheme-ing, snarking, reviewing, reccing, listing, archiving, chatting, learning, researching, reading reading reading. More of my favourite things ;)

Most ficcish things can be found on AO3, and I have a current master list of fic & art on LJ.

What's the strangest/most interesting thing that's inspired one of your works?

I'm trying to think of a specific example, and I'm pretty sure there was something about a warehouse-sized Mega Carpet EM-POOR-IUM! (announced in booming voice) that rustler and I laughed about and which migrated into my John/Ronon fic, Carpet Diem. But overall I'm going to give credit to ozsaur, who has, over the years, encouraged and enabled me by inspiring a LOT of what I've written. A lot lot. She of the never-ending well of plot bunnies, plot ideas, John in a pith helmet, and "stand and deliver."

Just how Cool are you?

Suu-per-meg-ah-awesome-cool! *singsongs* That would totally be my theme song, for my Cordy!-esque hit TV show.

Bonus questions!

sgamadison asks, You seem drawn to such divergent fandoms. It there a common theme among them that attracts you, or a commonality among the characters that pulls you in?

I hashed this question out with ozsaur, and we agreed that SGA is a bit of an anomaly for me. I tend to go for cop shows (Luther, Justified, NCIS:LA, Numb3rs, SVU) or insane crack shows (True Blood, NCIS:LA, Cougar Town) or dramas (Oz, Nashville, Leverage).

But I love reading science fiction, and I love world-building, and really, it depends (again) on my mood, and if the characters are engaging, and if the adventures are out there but not TOO out there, and whether or not they hit my competency kink. So... things I always look for are bright, intelligent characters who are 'flawed' (as we all are, in our own ways) and sometimes broken, who aren't always seeking redemption; settings that are interesting to look at, to process; relationships (friendships) that start slow and build on trust - so, character development, I guess; a thread of humor -- from one person's sense of humor to the writing to dark humor to things that simply lift a show out of SRS BSNS and make it more relatable.

Basically I don't want my show to condescend to me or present me with sloppy mysteries or have everyone on the show hook up just because they work together. :P

colleendetroit asks, Let's say you had easy access to 'fandoms' as a kid growing up like we do now. Of your interests from books/tv/film as a kid, what fandoms do you think you might have been interested in then, that either just don't exist or that you haven't participated in as an adult?

HMM. I didn't watch TV as a kid, so it would have to be a book or film fandom. Great, now I want to go write fic for Mystic Pizza. *g*

Probably... Stephen King stuff? I read a whackload of his books. That would be interesting to do art for...
Some of his short stories really stuck with me, and The Eyes of the Dragon is a perennial favourite.

I mostly read in the supernatural/horror genre, supplemented with a ton of Calvin & Hobbes, Doonesbury, Bloom County, The Far Side, etc. Nice balance, right? Oh, Marion Zimmer Bradley, I could have definitely seen myself writing for her worlds. I also read mysteries by Agatha Christie, PD James, Mary Higgins Clark... oh, and Margaret Atwood! I don't know that I could write in her verses but her writing definitely influenced me.

And if we're going way earlier, I would have been all up in the Breyer horse fandom, and probably some kind of stuffed animal one, because I was convinced that my stuffies "woke up" when I was asleep/wasn't looking and they all had personalities as far as I was concerned.

Happy Match, everyone!

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