Can't talk about stuff for fear of bursting the bubble. The wall is approaching and I suspect I've had a couple of scrapes. Things are for now stable. Though I seem to have inherited dad's sleep gene and my blood pressure seems to be up at the moment, which isn't a good sign but going to the gym doesn't seem appropriate right now. Not until we're clear on little things like where we're living etc. Perhaps if I talk about other things, this will help alleviate the need to go 'waaaaaaargh'. And that need is there neighbours...
I rediscovered my
Netcipia account which is a wonderful hybrid of wiki & HTML space with full RSS support and PDF output of the specified elements. I've found a couple of bits of writing I'd done (with a little help) and it made me smile because I recall mentioning this as part of a project I wanted to work on. Well, it's now found a new home.
Saw IV - An interesting take on the following dilemma. " You're a serial killer who will die of brain cancer. How do you continue your philosophy?" One thing I'd love to do is introduce an NPC with this kind of goal and see what the PCs do against someone who died two weeks ago and is still pulling the strings by proxy... I could introduce a law firm to execute some of these but Wolfram & Hart have been done to death already.
Once again, the Saw franchise demonstrates how nasty an inventive mind combined with a knowledge of engineering can be.
absintheskiss described this series as Hannibal Lecter meets Grimtooth and it's appropriate. What I like about the franchise is it's willingness to play with audience perception of time to turn out plot twists. With this one though, it was a little too jarring at the end which is a shame because the backstory with Kramer's wife, the origins of the pig mask and the sheer inventiveness of the final death-trap make it perhaps one of the more inventive of the series. This makes up for the lack of Amanda. Kramer's death and meticulous eye for detail and prediction of motive in desperate situations means that Saw V has it's work cut out. I mean, Kramer's dead now and the ability to crank out death-traps posthumously can only take you so far... wonder if his successor has what it takes...