I just don't get it. With the economical, environmental, and financial crap that's going around, we're wasting time debating over an effing word and it's definition. Now, people are posting
videos on Youtube about it. I agree with most people that it's mostly sad but funny at the same time. Sad that people are wasting their time, and funny that they're wasting their time.
Why are they wasting their time? Most, if not all, people these days already have an opinion on gays and gay marriages, so ads and YT gimmicks don't have much of a convincing effect on them. For example, there are two friends of a friend who are gay and living together; they have an adopted daughter together. If they want to get married, fine by me, as long as they don't ask me to be the bridesmaid.
Now, suppose the worst-case scenario, or best-case scenario (depending on your point of view), that this proposition is passed and "marriage" is defined as between a man and woman. Now, Logos can (although they may not want to) create a new word for their partnership. I would propose that they, with this new word, then involve legislature in getting their partnership able to be recognized and validated by local, state, and federal governments. What does this mean? Either we decide to let them be married and enjoy the benefits provided within marriage or wait until a new word is agreed, where we vote if they can have the same rights and benefits as those within the aforementioned "marriage" definition.
I'm not trying to change your opinion, but I want you to know that we don't care about your ads. You won't convince us. We know what's going to happen in either case. We have made our decision, so stop telling me what you think I need to hear.