Who: Just
iwannabedirtyWhat: Private diary entry
When: Post-Landslide
Where: Her room
Episode: 2x15 "Sexy"
Rating: PG or PG-13
I sang a song with Brittany and Ms. Holliday in Glee today.
Britt started asking about feelings and our relationship and what it meant. It was hard to just brush it off when she looked so sad. So, we went to see Ms. Holliday and told her what we've been doing. She asked if either of us think we might be a lesbian. I don't think I am. Maybe bisexual. Not that that would help. Gay, bisexual, whatever the hell... The bullies around here wouldn't give a shit.
Ms. H told us to choose a song to sing that might be able to help us talk about feelings and stuff. I already knew what I wanted. I've been thinking about it for weeks. I ended up choosing Landslide. Stevie Nicks. And I almost cried. It felt GOOD singing that to her and she looked happy with it. Until the midget spoke. I don't know why Rachel Berry can't keep her damn mouth shut. Calling us "Sapphic"... What I said, it was instinct and it was stupid. But it happened. And I could FEEL Britt just fade. Like she'd given up. And I don't want her to give up on me when she's one of the only ones who care at all.
I know why I'm a bitch. It's no secret. I'm angry and I'm scared, and I just CAN'T deal with all that I'm feeling. I've never been able to. It's why I was always so insistent with B -- sex is NOT dating. Which, you know, can be true. But with us...it might as well be.
I've already told her once why I'm scared, then closed up. She must think I don't care about her! Shit! I can't let her think that. I have to tell her. I can't screw around anymore. She's too important to me, and I'm done hurting her. I don't want to lose her again.