Kurt waved his hand and smirk. "Welcome to the world of geeks. That's why you're in Glee Club. Worse misfitted bunched of misfits to ever walk the earth. All we need is our own sideshow and the stereotype will be complete. Just, no matter how hard you try to roll with it, it's never easy swallowing the fact that people think you're a freak for just being yourself. Because beyond being someome else, there is no way to fix it." He shrugged and then shook his head. "Nope. The first game I've ever been to was that one I played in. I only ever just watched because it was spending time with Dad. It's just me and him. My Mom died when I was eight, so we did the best we could. I just always had the attention span of an ant unless it involved music or performing. Or clothes. I love clothes, and fashion. So, you don't get out much? Explains why you were kinda nervous at that party. I don't blame you, though. They're not overly my scene either. The decor always sucks. And no one would Coach S want me anywhere near the Cheerios. I don't have breasts."
He looked over the bag sheepishly. "I was bored, and there was a new line of Clinique out, so I wanted to check that out." He stood up after Sam and collected some of the bags into his hand. "Is it just your parents, or do you have siblings?"
He looked over the bag sheepishly. "I was bored, and there was a new line of Clinique out, so I wanted to check that out." He stood up after Sam and collected some of the bags into his hand. "Is it just your parents, or do you have siblings?"
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