(no subject)

Jan 02, 2006 18:38

Good Bye Atlantis
I do not own stargate atlantis
Thanks to Rocketlover for all her hard work

Chapter Seven

Rodney sat in his chair and looked around his room, watching as his friends quickly put clothes back in drawers and hung diplomas back on walls. He couldn’t quite contain his glee when he told Sheppard, that the frame he’d just hung was not straight. Nor could he stifle his snicker when he heard Sheppard muttering under his breath.

Ronon pushed the last of the boxes through the open door and turned to face him. Rodney’s sense of preservation, whipped the self-satisfied smile from his face, and he stood and nodded his thanks. Ronon returned the nod but did not move. For a second, Rodney was unsure if the big man was going to hit him or hug him. He tried not to flinch when a large hand flew up and patted him heavily on the shoulder, causing him to stumble back, and nearly fall into his chair. Ronon nodded again, then turned and left, but not before Rodney caught sight of several chocolate bars protruding from the runners pockets. Still cautious of the hairy giant he decided to let it go.

Teyla walked over to him and took his hands in hers. She touched her forehead to his and he gave her hands a slight squeeze. Then, without a word she followed Ronan from the room.

Zelenka pushed his glasses up, and with an evil smirk said, “I must go now Rodney, and tell Kavanagh good news. He will surely weep tears of joy knowing that you are stopping, no? I will see you in the morning.”

“Aye, and I’ll be off too Rodney, though I’ll be seein ye soon enough for chess, so I can finally beat ya,” Carson said. He paused in the doorway waiting for a response, hoping they were still friends.

“I’ll see you tomorrow at 1900hrs, and I think you’ll find that I’m wining,” Rodney said and smiled.

Elizabeth could see that John and Rodney had unfinished business and decided it was time for her to leave too. She embraced Rodney much to his dismay and John’s amusement.

“Remember our agreement Rodney? We’ll help each other. Never be afraid to come and talk to me,” she whispered into his ear.

He brushed his cheek against hers and nodded his head just the once.

John cleared his throat noisily wearing a broad smile. Elizabeth turned and gave him a patented arched eyebrow, which soon removed the smile. She glanced once more back at Rodney before closing the door behind her.

The two men eyed each other until John broke the silence. “Alone at last,” he said with a smirk, and pulled a bottle out from behind his back.

“Please Colonel, I hate to think where you’ve been hiding that, and I think we could both use something stronger a little stronger?” scoffed Rodney.

“What? I wouldn’t let Radek hear you say that,” John said. Zelenka’s still, had quite the reputation throughout Atlantis for its strength.

“Oh c’mon, what would he do about it? If he tried anything I’d just find the smallest lab on Atlantis and make him share it with Kavanagh.”

John laughed. “You know, you’re an evil man McKay. I’m glad you’re on our side.”

Rodney reached into a cupboard and pulled out two glasses and a bottle of vodka. Before he closed the door, John noticed a nearly empty bottle of scotch and wondered how much chess he and Carson really played.

Rodney filled their glasses and they sat down. John raised his glass and Rodney followed suit.

“What are we drinking to?”

“Home,” John said.

Rodney smiled. “Home,” he echoed and they downed their glasses in one.

“Whoa,” John gasped banging his chest with his fist.

Rodney grinned and filled them again, while Sheppard watched his deliberate movements. He handed the glass back to him. John took it and leant back into his chair.

“Have you talked to Heightmeyer about how you feel?” he asked.

Rodney snorted and stared at Sheppard. “Oh please, I’m surprised you even know what the women looks like! I bet you haven’t spoken to her since we got here.”

John smirked. “I said hello once or twice.”

“No doubt while you were checking her out,” Rodney said. He sighed and knocked his drink back, then shook the glass at Sheppard to follow suit.

Rodney filled them again. “She tried to get me to talk to her after the virus, but it didn’t help, so I stopped going.”

“I know what you mean. I find going to the gym or shooting things, helps me to get things out of my system,” John said reaching for the bottle.

“You know I did go to the shooting range after the storm, and it did make me feel kind of better. But, I figured we’d be better off saving the bullets for when the wraith attacked

“Well now that we’re back in contact with earth, feel free to shoot anytime you want. Just make sure you don’t confuse paper targets with Kavanagh. ”

“You’re no fun,” Rodney pouted and John laughed.

They settled into a comfortable silence that was only broken by their glasses being refilled.

John looked over at Rodney who was by now, almost lying in his chair with his eyes closed. “Why did you walk out on me earlier?” he asked.

Rodney opened his eyes and studied his friends face. He’d been kind of hoping the man would be too drunk to get serious. Ah, well. “You offered me your trust and friendship,” he said simply. “If I’d stayed longer you would have talked me into staying.”

“And that would have been a bad thing, because…?” John said puzzled.

“I couldn’t face losing either again,” Rodney whispered.

And suddenly John understood.

“You know no matter what I said or did, you never really lost either Rodney. I know it’s hard to lose friends, but it shouldn’t make you stop living and you should never try to push people away. One thing being out here has made me realise, is how important friendship is.”

Rodney filled their glasses and raised his. “Well then here’s to friends. Living and dead,” he said.

“I’ll drink to that,” John said sadly and raised his own glass.

And they drank. They drank knowing that there were hard times ahead, but that they would face them together.

The next morning….

John woke up to the sound of Rodney’s dulcet tones shouting his name. That, and a glass of water tipping over his head.

He opened his eyes to see Rodney, already dressed with a steaming cup of coffee in hand.

“What the…oh, is that for me,” he coughed.

“Get your own,” Rodney growled.

John shook his head, immediately regretting it as his brain protested in the loudest possible terms. He forced his eyes open again, and watched amazed as Rodney went around the room cleaning up.

He realized Rodney was one of those annoying people who could drink a unit of marines under the table and not suffer from a hangover. Okay, mental note. Never get into a pissing competition with this guy. He sat there in a daze until something wafted under his nose. His guy handed him a hot cup of coffee. John took it appreciatively and sipped gingerly. Another movement in front of him and a couple of Tylenol appeared under his nose. Okay, mental note number two. Rodney was one of the best friends he’d ever had. Must look after him better.

He swallowed the pills and decided they should do this again sometime. Though next time, he’d bring the whole team. He wanted to know if Rodney could drink Ronon under the table.


Meanwhile in the main lab, Dr Kavanagh was getting over his disappointment of Rodney staying by writing a report to Colonel Caldwell regarding senior staff taking unscheduled days off. Dr Kusanagi was crying tears of joy now that her beloved was stopping in Atlantis. But best of all, the Daedalus was leaving orbit, and heading back to earth with an extra empty cabin.

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