Fanfic: Protector

Aug 08, 2014 12:15

Title: Protector
Author: velocitygrass
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Primary Pairing: John Sheppard/Rodney McKay
Secondary Pairings: Teyla/Kanaan, Carson/Cadman, some Rodney/Katie and Rodney/Jennifer flirtation, and mention of previous Rodney/OC and John/OC sex
Rating: NC-17 (for sex and violence)
Genre: pseudo-historical AU (American Old West as a vague guideline, though with more modern technology in places)
Warnings/Content notes: ( skip) cannibalism (the Wraith); there's violence that goes beyond SGA type violence including John and Rodney killing a Wraith and mutilating the body in order to hide it and a rather graphic mention of a dead baby; cutting of a prisoner (John) and for medical reasons (Rodney); brief recounting of an attempted sexual assault (Rodney); recounting of having sex for food and shelter, which while technically consensual still negatively influenced how John relates to sex; an incident of starving; political oppression including execution; siege/battle; battle typical mass deaths; generally various mentions of death (though none of the major characters die)
Spoilers: vague throughout the series
Word count: ~107k
Summary: While most come to Atlantis as a last hope to find safety in Pegasus, Rodney McKay looks for an opportunity to work on his inventions. Nobody in Pegasus has been untouched by the Wraith, but Rodney has a shield that protects him. As a citizen of Atlantis, Rodney learns some truths that challenge how he thinks about the Wraith and himself.
Note: Thank you very much to hoktauri and Karolina for the beta! I didn't work with an artist, but created my own cover art and a map of Atlantis.

author: velocitygrass, rating: nc-17, genre: au - alternate universe

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