Captain Jack Harkness comes to Atlantis

Jan 25, 2013 21:55

A couple of folks commented on my last little SGA/Doctor Who crossover manip that they would like to see Jack Harkness. I'd made one a while ago and posted it to my Tumblr, but hadn't posted it here. I'm always worried about posting something that isn't pretty McSheppy or only features one of them, which is why I probably hadn't done it. (Of course, now that Tumblr is pretty much unusable for my purposes with their new update I won't be posting anything over there, but that's another story.)

I didn't write a ficlet to go with this one but it looks like Rodney is apologizing (or at least worriedly defending himself) to Jack for something, Jack is glaring at Elizabeth who is actively ignoring him and there's something going on off screen that has caught John's attention - possibly Ianto and Chuck bonding over tea.

If I were to guess, Jack went on a mission with SGA-1 and probably tried to hit on a Wraith Queen, who then fed on him, but as he was rescued he bounced back to full health and now the Wraith think he’s like an ‘all you can eat buffet’ (Rodney’s words) and they want him badly so there’s a bunch of Hive ships on the way… or something.

rating: g, fanart, genre: crossover

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