FIC: Hour Eighteen by teleslla (explicit)

Apr 13, 2012 00:19

Title: Hour Eighteen
Author: telesilla
Rating: Explicit
Content notes: ( skip) John's been de-aged to 16, but mentally he's still in his 40s, also D/s and bondage
Word count: ~1,200
Summary: Eighteen hours after they started this, Rodney's not done with John and John's still up for more. A sequel to My Dignity's Come Undone.
Notes: I did the timestamp meme and Sabine asked for a few hours after the end of my de-aged John fic, "My Dignity's Come Undone". I um...kind of got carried way and wrote 1,200 words. Oops?

Read it: @AO3 | @DW | @LJ

genre: established relationship, genre: pwp - plot what plot, rating: nc-17, author: telesilla, genre: bdsm, genre: kink

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