Drabble 'Named and Claimed' by Jane Davitt McKay/Sheppard R

Sep 30, 2005 16:07

Title 'Named and Claimed'
Author janedavitt
Web page Jane's Stories
Pairing McKay/Sheppard
Rating Mild R
No spoilers.
malnpudl asked for a drabble with McKay calling Sheppard 'John' for the first time in public.

Named and Claimed

I waited for Elizabeth to comment, Teyla to smile, eyes lowered. Waited, tense and tight, breathless, for the silence to spread through the room and the knowing whispers fill it a moment later.

Waited for the city to sink, the stars explode, and got nothing but an impatient, long-suffering sigh from McKay.

"John? Did you hear me? I said 'twist'. Card. Now."

God, it was worse the second time around, stretched over a two syllable whine. My dick jerked hard and my skin heated.

Eye roll from Mr. Bad Timing. "Please? There; satisfied? I said the magic word."

No kidding.

author: janedavitt, genre: drabble

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