Title: Streets in a World Underneath It All
Author: Ismene
Rating: R for language
Pairing: McKay/Sheppard, unsurprisingly
Summary: So, anybody remember "At Least," the melodramatic Sheppard POV I posted a few weeks ago with the misleading cut-tag about colony!Atlantis? This was meant to be the fic that fleshed out colony!Atlantis, and Elizabeth was going to be awesome. Except Sheppard decided he wasn't really in the mood for that, and so it turned into roughly 6000 words of McKay/Sheppard with colony!Atlantis in the background. There will probably be more in this universe, because I'm easy like that, and goddammit, Elizabeth will be awesome. Also, the title is from a Teddy Geiger song, because I like bad music.
There are other advantages to Operation Midlife Crisis; namely, John can cockblock without having to be sneaky about it.