No, I have not been on my personal lj in a whole week ;_;
Also no, I haven't posted my thoughts on any show but Heroes ;_;
Also also no, I haven't even started my Big God Damn Prompt Book for directing lab ;_;
Yes, I am going to stop complaining now and actually do all that stuff (except the BGDPB).
- Not entirely caught up, but WTF Jimmy Smitts? You're... psycho. Deb/Anton is the new Deb/Lundy. Except without Keith Carradine ;_;
- Stella's character got torn to shreds again, in what would have been a very funny and wonderful episode, except for the part where they continued to ravish, destroy, rape, and otherwise stomp into a ditch the characterization of a character I really liked, for no reason other than it served the plot.
- Lily getting pregnant? Oh, you know she will. Because I've been hearing rumors that Aly H is actually pregnant. Congrats to her, and to her TV counterpart. Marshall/Lily babies will be adorable. ADORABLE I SAY!
- Needs moar B/R.
- Brothers? Okay. But where have the Aunts gone? I watch the show for several reasons, but rank them by priority and the Aunts are right up there with Chi McBride's line readings, Digby's sad!whine, and Ned's eyebrows.
- Wait... what happened with Chuck randomly getting nekkid? THEY CAN'T HAVE SEX. And not just because it's a family show. Because she'd DIE.
- Dana Davis \o/ Oh, if only Kring had used you better, Dana Davis. If only.
- Simone Hundin should be a regular. I kid you not, she rocks. I wouldn't mind if Haley came back, either. I liked Haley. Also glad to see Bubblegum. The main reason I'll cry if this show gets cancelled - aside from the fact that it would be getting cancelled >:[ - is the fact that the only other show with an important dog on it is Heroes, and these days we're lucky if we get Mr. Muggles every five episodes :( TV needs more dogs.
- Loved Angela-centric episode of Angelaness. Needs moar Angela. Always. Angela's not my favorite character, but she's the character I'd stop watching for if she left. For realz. So much love for Angela.
- Did not love that Angela has a new love interest. It needs to be just a bump on the road to marital bliss with Hodgins, because I'm getting almost as sick of them not being together as I am of the GotW.
- Speaking of GotW, still hate Daisy Wick, but maybe she's gone for good? Though really, who'd sleep with Sweets? Really. Having Clark back was like a breath of fresh air. Just let him stay, writers. Him or the nice boy Brennan was not hitting on. All the others were... urgh. Just. Urgh. Even British Fact-Knowing Guy got annoying after a while.
- I was forced to vehemently defend the Angela-centric episode to my mother, who was deeply offended by the fact that Angela was hooking up with someone else while Hodgins was clearly looking sad and puppy-dog-ish right next to her. I'm... not gonna recount the argument. But I won it. Because while they've been raping Brennan, Hodgins, Zack, and my mind, I stick with Angela being perfectly IC.
- MOAR CAROLINE. There is not enough Caroline in the world. Also, Brenann dumping the bucket of beetles in the car made me chortle aloud. I may have disturbed my roommate.
- I'm on the fence about whether or not Brennan would really have believed Jared about Booth being an underachiever that easily. I had a discussion with my mother about it (no, I really can't talk to my father about this show anymore) and she, in her quest to convince me it was OOC, kinda convinced me it was IC. Since it didn't have anything to do with Booth being a good man, a good agent, or a good friend, she might believably question it. Jared wasn't saying Booth had bad morals or ethics or wasn't reliable or anything, he was just saying Booth didn't want to be anything more than an FBI agent, and Brennan's seen no evidence of career advancement in Booth's prospects. So... she might believe it, yeah. But either way, I LOVED the end scene between them at the bus stop. LOVED.
- The B&B eyesex continued to be fabulously hot. So is Brennan giving speeches about how manly and amazing Booth is. He gives her speeches about her awesomeness practically every episode, so I was glad to see her return the favor. Yay for breaking out of your total denial about your undying love for Booth, Bren! Yay!
- Sweets is starting to annoy me again :[
- Max? Can he come back SOON? (Yes, I've read the spoilers.)