:( whiny alert

Oct 28, 2007 12:28

Gah. Ok so the week before last at work was absolute crap - I went home nearly every afternoon in tears, got yelled at by the campus manager for something I knew nothing about, got far to drunk on Friday night and had to work Saturday morning. So instead of quitting (which was quite a real option) I decided to make the most of my last 6 weeks or so at work and not let anything bug me etc etc etc.

All went well until Wed - which I already knew was going to be crap but anyway- when I helped push a treadmill (don't ask) and slid a 150kg patient with only one other person to help me. Can you see where this is going? Yes I've hurt my back. I have forms coming out of my ears for workers comp *coughloadofcrapchough* My GP has said restricted duties for a month - no pushing, pulling or lifting - when you work in a hospital that's not exactly an easy order. She's also enrolled my in Pilate's at the Back Clinic at my work.

The worst thing though she won't sign my medical certificate to say I'm right to work overseas until she's satisfied I'm better!!!!

Absolute pain in the ass - I knew I should have got all my paperwork done last month - that'll teach me.

:( :( :(
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