I hate work.... especially as they are trying to save money and are cutting shifts here there and everywhere.
I hate flu shots.... they hurt like buggery.
I hate call.... It is no fun being pulled from your warm bed at 3am and then again at 5am to come into work and X-ray idiots who fall down holes drunk at said hours... let them suffer I say.
I hate call... It is shithouse to come to work while the sun is down and to leave work when the sun is up... it is against the fundamental rules of working as far as I'm concerned. Especially when you then have to try and get back to sleep.
Call is no good for your mental facility.... NB: car acutally moves forward when in gear, if car is not in gear it will not move forward.
I hate work... I left work at 645am this morning and now will be here til middnight tonight.
I hate work...Getting home at 715 and then sleeping til 1135 leaves you feeling like a zombie and I still have 5 hrs of work to go *has temper tantrum*
I like spamming people with ecards... especially when they are nice enough to spam me back *licks Hexie*
These make me laugh cause they are pure crack...
http://peroxide-fic.livejournal.com/119999.html?#cutid1 ...brain has died I can't think of anything else