(no subject)

Mar 29, 2011 18:21

im so frustrated at shin lately. not all of it is his fault, but his misery is also making me miserable.

if its not one thing its another. even if there was nothing wrong, he would find something wrong with his situation to bitch about. there are things that make me feel really sorry for him though

so this month he was diagnosed with menier's disease. basically, its a chronic inner ear condition with no cure that causes ringing in the ears headaches dizziness and in extreme cases loss of ability to hear lower tones. its caused by stress. i know he was feeling really bad because it makes him all dizzy and there is a constant buzzing in his ear. that would drive anyone crazy and grumpo. yes, i feel sorry for him. wish i could do something. cant...

next, his eczema has been SO BAD this month. i mean TERRIBLE. his neck is red and swollen and sooo itchy. he has sores all over his back and chest and he cant sleep because it constantly itches. i dont know what to do. i put cream on him, i yell at him for itching and try and look shit up that will help, but eczema is also a non curable condition. ive been bugging him for over a week to go to the dermatologist, but he cant get out of work early enough to go. and he CONSTANTLY and i mean ever 5 seconds LITERALLY says "im itchy!!! IM ICHTYYY!!!!" and im like "I KNOW!! WHAT DO U WANT ME TO DO??????!!?!!!" and there is nothing. so he snaps at mean all the time. i know its caused by being in constant pain, but i am getting pretty stressed out about it myself. i had GERD yesterday for the first time in years. thankfully it went away with normal meds.

he is gaining weight. i dont really care if he gains weight as long as he remains healthy, but its mainly becasue he doesnt exercise. he doesnt exercise because he is itchy and tired from lack of sleep. and if he exercises, his eczema becomes worse for he is ALLERGIC TO HIS OWN SWEAT!!

and because he doesnt exercise, he has terribly stiff shoulders and lower back. he stopped going to the chiropractor becasue he didnt want to spend the money and because the doctor always says that it will be cured with exercise... great.

and to top things off, he is constantly constipated and gets a stomach virus every couple months.

he is only 28 years old. why is he in such terrible condition??? his mom bought him some pills and supplements, but they dont help. most of the stuff he is going thru is caused by stress, but seriously, everyone has stress at work. i hear horror stories from people about shit that goes down on teh job. he has it so damn good. im sure it is stressful, im not denying it, but is it so stressful that his heath is impaired?? i mean, he has only been working for the last year and a half!! wtf?

i feel bad for him... but good god, cant he just SHUT THE FUCK UP a little?? i am not exaggerating. he bitches CONSTANTLY. i know he hurts i know! but does it really make him feel better to constantly comment and tell me every few seconds about the itching and pain?? and then snap at me because he is grumpy. gah!! i know he doesnt mean to be an annoying pest, but its driving me crazy... what can i do to fix this shit??
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