my dad and Gmom have some nerve!

Mar 17, 2011 17:36

email from mom this morning...

Oh my gosh, Mandy. Your grandmother and your father called me tonight and your Dad will probably call you tomorrow. I’m afraid I blew it with your grandmother. I was feeling so sorry for her because she was saying she was in such pain and then she started telling me that I HAD to get you back to America and that you should leave your husband and family because she was your true blood relative and needed you home. I told her that you were old enough to make your own decisions and I had already told you that I wanted you and your new family to get out of there and she started telling me how worried your Dad was about you. I lost it! I know she’s old and all, but I yelled at her and told her that if Michael was so concerned he needed to talk with YOU because YOU were the one who needed to know he cared. Well, she hung up and the phone rang a little while later and it was your father. What a night! When he asked about calling you I told him you would be in school at that time (about 9 AM your time). He asked me what you were going to school for. I said your daughter is a teacher, Michael, that’s why she’d be at school. Did he not even remember that you were a teacher? What the hell did he think you were doing over there? Playing? I’m sorry I’m just really upset with the worry about you and dealing with tonight’s conversations. At least you’re on his prayer list at church! I hope he calls and will start a dialogue finally. A little real communication will make his children believe that he truly cares.

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