We've got one chance to break out and we need it now...

Aug 07, 2006 09:10

Brace yourself kids
This is gonna be yet another thrilling livejournal entry.
As most are.

I'm currently on my bed, sad that my beach trip with Julie and Kat was just cancelled due to the rain.  My first beach trip this summer.  Stupid rain.  That's so obnoxious.  I have fucking worked two fucking jobs this summer, and have had barely any days off.  I take the week off because of appointments and the like, and today was basically my only free day, and now it rains and screws things up.  It figures.
I have become a workaholic this summer. Between camp and CVS I have barely had an open day, and every now and then it takes its toll.  The other day I got home from a particularly long day at the pharmacy and basically just came home and cried. I don't do that. Ever.  It was so bizarre.  I then realized that this was going to be the rest of my life.  Some people have summer jobs, but they just do that to make some money.  My summer job will be the rest of my life.  And it's not that I don't like it, really.  I love CVS, I feel like I'm helping people, as cheesy as that sounds, and I love that I get to interact with people on a daily basis.  Usually the interactions are good ones too, minus the freaking assholes who yell at me for no fucking good reason.
God those people piss me off.
This is not to say that I haven't had a good summer.  I've had an amazing summer.  I went to Europe.  I mean, that was amazing haha I can't forget that and I won't. Ever.  I have mm cals.  Loveeee mm cals.  I have had random nights crashing at people's houses.  I have even fiesta-ed a few times with my favorite CVS co-worker, Annie (or Hallie? Annie? Whoaa).  I love my friends.  They have most likely been what has kept me sane this summer.  I can't wait for college.  18 days until I move in, I feel like that just kinda snuck up on me.  I'm ready.  I'm more than ready.  I hope.
Who knows what the next six years and more have in store for me.  I just know that I hope I stay close to my friends from high school, that I can actually stay organized and focused for once in my life (yeah, right), and that I don't lose my scholarship.  Should be interesting to see how that all pans out...
I feel like I've changed.  I think I've become more cynical about some things, but more optimistic about others.  I'm not sure how that makes sense, but maybe it's just the mood I'm in right now.  Who knows.  
I'm on my laptop right now, just hanging on my bed, and as I look around my room all I can see are memories.  My George Bush in the corner reminds me of my birthday this year, and how fabulous my friends and family were that put that together for me.  I have a collage that my friend made for me in junior high.  It's supposed to symbolize me.  It has softball, a girl at school and a girl eating a cheeseburger.  Me in a nutshell? Maybe... haha... I've got a poster on my door from senior day in volleyball... it says "Individuals play the game... but teams beat the odds!"  A cheesy poster that a cheesy friend of mine made fun of once but I still love it.  I have my picture wall that just reminds me of all the good times I've had over the past four years.  Who knew that four years, such a seemingly long period of time, could go by so fast?  I have my ECHO stole hanging from my bureau, a reminder of Day 4, and how everyone thought it was a cult when we returned.  My tassels hang from my closet doorknob, a reminder of the whirlwind last few weeks of school. A "K" sign on my wall reminds me of Sox games with my family and friends, and my big green F on the wall reminds me of the great softball and volleyball seasons I've had.  There is so much more, and that's all just in this room.  I feel weird being so nostaligic, but it's really a good feeling.  I am so lucky to have had such amazing friends and an amazing family.  The two overlap.  My family are my friends, and my friends are my family.  I love that.  How was I that lucky? How did that happen? Why me?
I don't really have much else to say I guess.  Just that I am ready to go... I am more than ready to go.  Not because of bad times, because as I hope I accurately portrayed above, I have had the best times.  However change can be good, and in this case it will be.  Change of scenery, change of pace, change of anything and everything.  But not change of memories.  Not change of friends.  Those are constants for me and always will be.
If anyone actually read this far, I'll be more than impressed.  It started as a rant and then changed pace again.  See-  change can be good :)
Comment if you want.  It's always good to get that "new comment" email haha...

Part of where I'm going is knowing where I'm coming from,
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