Okay phew long time no update.
I like large breaks apparently.
So what's new? I don't even know. Everything has finally been coming to the end. Finals end Wednesday, and then I'm basically done with Feehan, minus the actual graduation itself and stuff. Softball has been kinda stressful... 7-8 isn't that great of a record, but hey, it's my last season, so I'm trying to make the best of it. Today was the Senior Sports Breakfast, where Mr. O'Boy told the same jokes he always does, and then this afternoon was Senior Day for softball. We lost. But us four seniors got cool stuff for college next year.
I love the underclassmen.
Not just the softball ones, but like, all the ones I've met at Feehan. The peer min, volleyball, band, SPANISH CLASS, etc underclassmen. They're my faves.
Blech, I'm sick right now and I'm having issues like, actually expressing how I feel about things. I don't know... actually, on a whole I haven't really felt much about leaving Feehan. I'm pumped, and I'm so incredibly excited for URI. I love new things, I love bigger things. Everyone tells me that I'm going to miss Feehan. Right now, I guess it hasn't hit me. I'm so ready to get out of here. I mean, I love my friends to death, but I guess I have faith that my relationships with them will last? I have some friends who are freaking out being like "Ahh I'll never see you!" But seriously, I really don't believe that. Maybe because if I feel like that will happen, I'll go out of my way to make sure it doesn't. But then again, to quote a song, "Who knows what tomorrow brings?"
Well, tomorrow I have a physics final. Which will be horrendous. But I'm over it. Then I have a game. Actually, I have five games this week. Every day except Tuesday. Wow, lotsa softball.
Then this weekend is model UN with Julie-face and some other kids (I'm not really sure who).
Then the week after brings all the senior stuff. Monday the 29th, Senior Cruise. Tueday the 30th, Senior Recognition Night.
And hey, June 1st. Graduation.
I totally feel like I just was a freshman. The last few years have just flown by. I guess that's understandable because I mean, to be cliche "Time flies when you're having fun." Hahaha I can't believe I just wrote that. I'm totally leaving it too. But really, high school has been amazing. Fantastic. Superguay.
Bahh I'm tired.
However, that is the end of my update. There will probably be another one in maybe a month or so. If you're lucky.
P.S. I'm putting in this pic from the Sports Breakfast this morning because I like it lots:
We'll be miles apart, I'll keep you deep inside my heart,