Jul 22, 2007 19:06
This is such a weird weekend. I've actually had a really great weekend but now I feel a bit low... Trying to pretend I don't know the reason, but I obviously do....
Anyway had a really nice weekend. Friday night, went to see Hairspray with Bobby and Eric. The movie is much better than what I expected, yes it's very cheesy, but it's very cool!!! I love the fat girl and umm her eventual bf. He's so cute!! My friends behaved really weirdly (no names), which was actually funnier than the movie itself. Bobby's face is PRICELESS. Saturday, had a long lay in, then went on a ghost tour which was cool, it was more like a history lesson, but it was good. The guy doing the tour made me laugh because he seemed a bit crazy (possessed maybe?!).
Today, went for a really nice roast at lunchtime in umm.. somewhere. Mile End or Hackney or somewhere, anyway, it was realllllllllllllllllllly delicious, good food, good company and good weather!! Woop woop! Came home, and mum was cleaning out the cupboards in the kitchen which led to us shouting at each other over:
1. Whether I use too many plates/mugs/glasses
2. Why it's so dirty in the first place
3. Why my bank account is overdrawn
4. Why they upped my credit limit on my credit card
5. Why I eat too much chocolate
6. Why me and my dad shout at each other too much
She was screaming for about an hour hahaha, so funny. Typical Sunday afternoon in our house hahah. But on the subject of overdrawn, I have to say, I can't keep paying rent for Alex. I mean, my job is not badly paid overall, but it's not exactly great pay. And I can't afford to subsidise his life all of the time. He's supposed to move out in October but I'm kinda hoping it could be earlier. I don't mind helping him out, but I don't live in that apartment at all anymore and yet I pay nearly half the rent... grrrr. I know he doesn't have any choice, but maybe a little less drinking and a few less new clothes and a bit of a fairer split of the rent??
Bizarrely... my mum is now cooking roast chicken, which is exactly what I had for lunch... despite me saying "lets have something different for dinner" lol.. I can sense more shouting coming on hahaha. (Just to clarify, we only shout in a fun way, we're not actually abusing each other i.e. Eastenders, OMG how good was Thurs and Fri!!!!!! I'm so glad she died, bitch deserved it!!! Poor Ben!!! Poor Peggy!!!! Poor Phil!!!!).