That's right folks, it's the paper you've all been waiting for. The one that's had you glued to your monitor for the past four weeks, hitting the Refresh button every 15 minutes just to see if I had posted it yet. This is it. The Big One. A mammoth four-page open response to the youth pastor who came to our school and basically called us all
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If sex is anything close to what he said it was, Im going to kill myself now.
"Sexual immorality hits high, especially to teens because some really don't care what they do with their life because they don't really have these morals, or anything like the Christian way of thinking."
Morals and "The Christian way of thinking", do not go hand in hand; that is to say, you can have morals and be non-Christian, and you can be Christian and not have morals.
"If you really wanted to gain knowledge on why a person like him might want to hold off on sex, it's written in the Bible."
Well, then, he should have done a better job of explaining it. And if this was a bible thing, he had no right coming to the school.
the more you waste sex on people who you probably wouldn't even consider marrying, the less of a gift it actually is.
In the words of one Tom Leykis, "For men, ejaculation is the same as urination." It needs to happen. If you want to deny suge a huge part of what being a human-being means, you can go ahead but dont pretend like sex is some gift. A furby is a gift, sex is a release. Yes, it's a part of love, but its meaning is not debased one iota just because you had done it with any other person.
And on the subject of marriage - does the idea even make sense? If two people really love each other, do they need a contract to prove it? Do they need to god say "OKAY SEX IS A-OKAY NOW", and have to people go to a church and be wed by a minister who may or maynot have molested a whole bunch of altar boys do to this whole abstinence thing in the first place?
well than I'll pray for those souls who actually think that random sex with anyone really brings them happiness that'll last forever... you'll get addicted to sex because those random one-night stands won't ever give you the satisfaction you'll get from being with one person, realizing that someone gave themselves to you and you only, for the rest of their lives.
C'mon, that's the only soul-fulfilling sex there is... and we all know this.
Can you really speak for everyone?
Um... and having had experience myself in this thing you call "sex" I know it's only trouble when you deal with it outside of marriage.
But... who's to say that I really do have a right to say something? I'm only human... right?
But yeah, all I can do is offer what I feel is laid on my heart.
What does it matter if this guys' interpretation is from the Bible? He didn't state anything FROM the Bible, only his and his wife's experiences and thoughts on sex. The information given was any information a caring person would want to get out to people.
There are a few teachers at Central who's live revolves around the Lord, and well, we're not throwing them out of school.
In most cases Christians DO have morals, but they may not line up to others'. Sometimes you hear of a "Christian" who has slid from the morals he/she use to have. But God offers forgiveness if you seriously mean things. (I know you might not appreciate me putting my two-cents and beliefs in this, but I've got to)
If you throw sex around like it's only a health benefit... things are going to go crazy. It might benefit life, infact I'm sure it does. I remember Teen Health and Health Occ., but sex is suppose to be love-making. Not some kind of wild animal act to exercise the body. Anyone who struggles with sexual tension can deal with it, but it depends on where you get your strength from. We're merely humans who really don't have the power over ourselves... that's why God is looked upon and looked for by so many people. Others believe that they're in power to do anything and everything. But that's how the world works now-a-days.
:) Thanks for reading
People who preach waiting until marriage tend to, as I said in my essay, regard sex as though it's the Holy Grail. Yeah, it's fun, and yeah, it's a beautiful flowery thing between two people who love each other etc. etc. But for the love of God, don't read too deeply into it. You will not explode if you have sex with the wrong person. You will not be forever scarred because your first sexual experience was in the backseat of a car. You won't be thrown into a world of filth and depravity because you had sex on the third date. My first sexual experience was absolutely miserable. It was painful, awkward, and our eventual breakup was a messy, bitter experience. And you know what ended up happening to me?
Nothing. Absolutely nothing.
Sex wasn't ruined. Well, okay, it was, but that's more because the girl was terrible and less because we felt like dirty fornicating sinners. The exact same thing could've happened on my honeymoon. Point is, I survived, and to be honest I'm glad it happened now instead of later.
In most cases Christians DO have morals, but they may not line up to others'. Sometimes you hear of a "Christian" who has slid from the morals he/she use to have.
You don't understand. I'm not talking about hypocrites, I'm talking about the Bible itself. Let's be reasonable here. Numerous "facts" from it are outdated by common sense alone. The Bible was written in a very different world, an ultraconservative society that saw nothing wrong with selling children into slavery. The world has changed. A lot. And just as technology and science advances, so do people. Today, we can say "Whoa now! I wouldn't have my children stoned just because they were disobediant!"
Anyone who struggles with sexual tension can deal with it, but it depends on where you get your strength from.
But why is it something you should have to 'struggle' with? Why can't it just be something you accept? You're not proving anything to anybody by repressing emotions. The Catholic priests sure weren't.
The Bible isn't about OUR common sense. It's not called "Written by Humans Alone", it's God's word... HIS word... whether you think it to be common sense or not... in our world today, I KNOW we don't even live in the same way we did 5 years ago... but time DOES change... but the fact is, is that you can read the Bible and compare it to society today and find truths deep in the writing. It just takes someone looking and reading into it, seriously, to pick these things up. If you pick the book up just to critisize it, then no duh, you won't find anything beneficial to your spirituality. No one gets stoned, you can read that in the Bible, BUT people over in other countries dies everyday for their Christianity, not even just this faith, but others. I'm not Catholic, nor do I believe that the priests who are guilty in molesting child were acceptable. I don't apologize for what they did, because they know what they've done and there are two ways to go from where they are now... but that's not the case at hand. You repress your feelings so that you're not caught up in the impure stuff of today... You can come to understand this, or not. It's your choice, but like you faught with yourself in your own posting, sex DOES mess with emotions and relationships. I can also join a group who knows this, BUT- I don't take what I did as something great or beautiful, because, even though it was to ME, it wasn't RIGHT. But fortunately there's forgiveness in everything and hope in the thing that many, MANY seem to run from in life.
C'est la vie maintenant.
It's been a pleasure ;)
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