this fucking song.

Nov 25, 2011 15:44

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Really need to stop procrastinating and finish my recap for storybrookecast. I am so not being professional and I should be, especially since we're starting the Podcast this week/end. Fwuuhhhh.

Also fic. And reading fic. And commenting fic. So. Much. Fic. Yet, still not enough. Le sigh.

Hope everyone had lovely Thanksgivings! Even if you're not in America. I know some of my fellow brit's celebrate it. If not, then just eat a lot on the American holiday and celebrate the deliciousness of food. To hell with reason, indulgence is bliss.

I am not even sure what the point of this post even was.

Oh, yes. The song. :3

mcc2040: is addicted, youtube

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