The Bond Between You and I;

Nov 22, 2011 06:59

Title: The Bond Between You and I
Pairing: Richard/Kahlan
Rating: PG-13
Summary: He made it too easy for her to feel, anything… which was the problem.

Authors Note: Written for a challenge over at legendland. So this be nothing special.

“You’re only making things more difficult for us, Richard.” The words were a soft utterance in the darkness of the night.

Left alone in the forest, Zedd and Cara were off procuring them food and warmer clothes for travel. Kahlan felt oddly out of place without them near. It wasn’t the fact that Richard made her uncomfortable, it was quite the opposite. He made it too easy for her to feel, anything… which was the problem.

Sitting with his legs tucked under him, the Seeker gazed down at his Confessor, noting the way she had her back turned to him, how he could see the paleness of her cheek, florescent light of the moon and a mixture of the oranges created by the fire giving her a heavenly glow.

“Things don’t have to be this way, Kahlan.”

His counter only drew a painful breath from her. Where did he find the confidence? The courage to love her as a man would love a woman? A normal woman, something which she was not. She could not give him the peaceful life he often spoke of, nor the children he wished for. She could not give him all of her, for most belonged to a power she had come to realize she no longer wanted.

If only just to feel what it felt to be in his embrace, unhindered by fear of taking away his free will.

She knew her rejection hurt him.

“Yes, they do.”

Her voice came so quietly, Richard had to strain his ears to hear. By the rise and fall of her body, and the soft sniffle accompanying a drawn breath, he knew she was crying.

He longed to scoot forward, they were already so close, it would only take for him to shift and he could curl himself around her. And she could bury her doubts within him, confide in him her insecurities, and he would take away all of her heartache.

But she refused to let him near.

‘Someday, Kahlan. Someday I will prove to you that our love is stronger than your magic.’

Reluctantly, Richard spun around, falling back on his bed roll as he heard the light banter between Zedd and Cara as they made their way back to the campsite. Kahlan had grown silent, her breathing leveled, though he knew she was awake. She always laid awake at night, much like him. He had no doubts that her thoughts were the same as his.

She watched the flickering flame before her dance wondrously, thinking if only their bodies could entwine the way fire did. It was so unfair, why must she sacrifice her happiness? Richard so openly wished to be with her, confessed as much on many an occasion. His vow to find a way kept a shred of hope alive within.

Hearing Zedd and Cara move back into the clearing, Kahlan quickly wiped at her eyes, turning over so hide her tear stained cheeks. She didn’t want to deal with them. Not the looks or the pep talks, not tonight.

But when she turned, she was greeted by something far worse. Richard.

He had turned to face her, too, and his brown eyes were filled with such love and devotion, it made her heart constrict in her chest. Why were the fates so cruel to them? Why could she not have at least this one little thing?

Reaching out, she slid her hand to the edge of her bedroll, watching silently as his own lifted and settled over hers. The warmth that flooded her then was indescribable. Nothing could ever compare to the connection that she shared with him. The spell that had woven between them upon catching one another’s eye made it impossible for her to ever look way.

At least they could have this; this everlasting tie.

'The bond between you and I.'

fanfiction, rating: pg13, community: legendland, richard/kahlan, tv: legend of the seeker

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