This is as much for my own sake so I remember later as to share. In a
previous post about a the weekend previous to this past one I talked about hunting and blasting some poor furry defenseless critters. Well Wednesday of last week I cooked up those poor furry defenseless critters and they turned out pretty good. Here the recipe:
2-3 blasted bunnies, cleaned and quartered.
1 onion
2 flesh cloves of garlic
fresh ground black pepper
crushed red pepper
chopped basil
olive oil
Start by soaking the blasted bunnies in salt water over night in the fridge. This helps get all the blood and the strong game taste out of the meet. Be sure to cut open any pellet holes an dig them pellets out. Better to take the time now instead of busting a tooth on a pellet later. If you were a good shot this step will be easy.
After a good soak put the blasted bunny pieces in a large pot and cover them with water. Chop up that onion and put most of it in with the blasted bunny, save about 1/8 of the onion. Peel and crush those two cloves of garlic and put them in the water too. Bring to a boil and then let simmer for about an hour. A little more time won't hurt but much less then 45 minutes and they will be a bit tough.
While the blasted bunnies simmer make some simple breading by mixing the flour, red and black pepper and basil in a bowl. Add the seasons in quantities to your liking. I put lots of Black pepper, a moderate amount of basil and just a touch of red pepper. Mix thoroughly.
Preheat your favorite caste iron skillet and add a generous amount of olive oil and just before you put the blasted rabbit in add the left over onion to caramelize in the pan. After the rabbit is done simmering roll it in the breading mixture and fry briefly in the skillet. Just long enough to make the breading crispy on both side.
Serve with your favorite sides and beverage.
This recipe might work for squirrel but I suspect the simmering step needs to be much much longer or they going to be like eating your shoe!