madeofmeat 1. Who is the next person you'll hold hands with?
gfwtr 2. Do you sleep with the TV on?
No. I don't have a TV in the bed room I would never fall asleep I get fixated by TV.
3. Have you ever drank milk straight out of the carton?
Yes, its even better straight from the bulk tank before the pasteurize or homoginized
4. What did you do today?
Church, then baby-sat fuzzy yellow puppy from hell
5. Do you think you're old?
Not yet!
6. How fast can you type?
~20-30wpm best
7. Are you afraid of the dark?
8. Eye color?
Brown, green, I don't know I'm nearly color blind
9. Do you like your life right now?
yeah, I like work for the most part and the rest of it is going pretty good.
10. When's the last time you chose a bath over a shower?
A week or two ago
11. Do you knock on wood?
12. Are you drinking anything right now?
Quart mason jar full of hot tea with a touch of sugar
13. Do you have good vision?
Except for that color problem at least 20/20 if not slightly better.
14. Can you hula hoop?
hmmm... never tried.
15. Could you ever forgive a cheater?
Depend on what they cheated on. Be hard pressed to forgive but in the right circumstances maybe.
19. Who are you thinking about right now?
No one in particular
20. A movie you watched when you were little?
Cat from Outerspace
22. What song's in your head right now?
Empty as usual
23. What are you doing next week?
Work, two big demos coming up in March.
24. Plans for today?
Give puppy from hell back to dad and get some sleep.
25. What's your middle name and why?
Chetwin, Father's mother's maiden name.
26. Name some places you've gone.
Top of Baldy Mountain (Second highest point in New Mexico)
27. When was the last time you told someone "I love you"?
This morning to
gfwtr 28. Last stupid thing you did drunk?
Played really bad poker.
29. How are you feeling today?
Pretty good finally over this sinus infection
30. Are you black?
I pretty sure I'm not.
31. Have you ever been suspended or expelled from school?
32.Have you ever crawled through a window?
33. What's for lunch?
Ego Toaster waffles!
34. Have you ever eaten dog food?
35. Can you handle the truth?
I only wish I had to handle it more often.
36. What did you do last night?
Tried to keep puppy from hell from chewing my fingers off.
37. Buy anything lately?
Last night I order a new pair of electronic ear muffs the old one's right ear died and got turned into my
camera mount ear muffs. Also order some stripper clips for my
Mosin Nagant M44 38. Any cool scars?
Lots of scars but not real cool ones
39. Name an old school song you like:
Old School, don't have a clue but how about some old Hooters like "All You Zombies" or "Blinded By The Light" by Manfred Mann's Earth Band
40. How many kids do you plan on having?
Yet to be determined
41. Do you want to get married?
Already married to
gfwtr 42. How often do you talk on the phone?
A few times a day
43. Do you talk to yourself?
No, but I do like to argue with myself.
44. Is there something you want that you can't have?
Not enough room here to list them all.
45. Name three things about the opposite sex that you first notice?
Hair, legs, face
46. How do you feel about the word wawa?
Google didn't help any in undestand it so I don't have a clue
47. Who did you last hug?
gfwtr 48. Name a fault?
Addicted to the internet
49. What was the last thing you ate?
50. Something pretty you've seen lately?
51. Last movie watched?
The Mummy last night.
52. What do you want to hear?
Your proposal has been selected for funding.
53. What do you want most?
Nothing really standout
55. If you could be anywhere else right now, where would it be?
Shooting something somewhere.