So this is Bunny. That's his name just ask Abby. (all other bunnies are named Other-bunny)
I am up late because every few weeks Bunny requires a major cleaning.
Abby sleeps with bunny every night and every nap. Bunny is also often her favorite critter (as dad refers to all the stuff animals as critters, so does Abby on occasion) to play with. She pushing him around in her shopping cart, straps him into her highchair and car seat, takes him with her on rides in the laundry basket and stroller and frequently makes mom or dad put a dry diaper on Bunny before we can put one on Abby.
If she is slightly upset or a little bit hurt she is as likely to go get a feel better hug from Bunny as she is from mom or dad. Major bumps simply require the addition of mom or dad hugs to Bunny hugs to make those better.
So once again I am up late waiting for the drier to finish so that I can sneak Bunny back into bed with Abby so he will be there when she wakes.