Fanfic: The heart's melody (5/?)

Apr 21, 2011 22:50

Today’s saturday and Teddy and I will meet in the city in  few minutes. After our parents had allowed us to go to Callie’s party, we decided to look for our presents together. I still have no idea what to get her. I didn’t want to ask her on the phone when I called to tell her Teddy and I would come. But that’s why I’m still kinda desperate. I want to find something that she’ll really like. I want her to be happy.

,,Hey AZ.’’ Teddy greets as she arrives at our meeting point.

,,Hey.’’ I smile.

,,So, do you have any idea of what to get for Callie?’’ she asks.

,,Not really.’’ I admit. ,,I just want it to be personal, not just some card or a coupon.’’

,,Um, that was my idea ..’’ Teddy blushes.

,,Oh, uh .. sorry.’’ I say quicklly. ,,I guess for you it’s okay, since you just met her, but I see her as a good friend, so I need to find something more special.’’ I nod my head reassuringly to emphazize my point. Teddy smiles.

,,Okay, let’s go find something special for Callie then!’’ she says and loops her arm through mine. We head through the shops on the shopping mile. Teddy quickly found a shop where she could get a nice coupon, but I’m still clueless about my present. Time’s running and suddenly we only have one hour left until our parents will pick us up. There are only a few shops left, where I think I may be able to find something. The next one is a small jewelery shop where I always buy my earrings. We enter the shop and start to look around. After looking through almost every glass cabinet, a bracelet catches my eyes. It’s a simple silver one, but it has two small pendants. One in shape of a heart and the other one in shape of a small clef. That’s it! She always wears silver necklaces and earrings and I know she loves music. It’s perfect! I look at the price and do a mental happy dance. It only costs 15 dollars.

,,Teddy, this is it!’’ I announce and show Teddy the bracelet.

,,Oh AZ, it’s beautiful! If she won’t like it, you can save it for me.’’ She winks. ,,But I guess she will.’’

I ask a shop assistant to open the cabinet and to hand me the braclet. Once I got it, I go to the cashier to buy it. I ask her to wrap the present into some paper so it looks good. I thank her and Teddy and I head out. We walk back to the benches where we met since we’ll be picked up there. I’m so relieved I finally found something!

When we arrive, our parents are already waiting for us. They’re talking to each other. I guess they’re catching up as well, regarding the fact that they haven’t seen each other as long as Teddy and me. They spot us coming near and smile widely.

,,Little Arizona.’’ Teddy’s mom says and hugs me.

,,Hello, Mrs Altman.’’ I say.

,,You’ve grown so much! Such a pretty young lady.’’ She says after pulling back. I blush.

,,Hello Mr Altman.’’ I greet Teddy’s father and hold out my hand.

,,Why so formal?!’’ he says and pulls me into a hug. I look over to Teddy who is currently in the same situation with my parents. I smile to myself.

After the usual proceedure, we say our goodbyes and drive home.


Im now sitting at home in my room playing my guitar. I’m singing some songs of Katie Melua, which is a really good practice for her casting. Suddenly my phone rings. I quickly lay my guitar on my bed and search for my phone. Once I’ve found it, I look on the screen before picking up. It’s Callie! Oh my god!

,,Hello?’’ I greet nervously.

,,Hey Zona, it’s me, Callie.’’ She says.

,,Hey, what’s up?’’ I ask.

,,Nothing really. I just wanted to lt you know that my party will begin at 5 pm on Friday. If you can’t get home in the night, you can stay over.’’ She says.

,,Oh, okay. I’ll talk to my parents.’’ I replie.

,,Good! Um ..’’ she hesitates. ,,I just .. I just wanted to know, if you’re busy tomorrow.’’

,,Um, no, I’m not. Why?’’ I ask curiously.

,,Well, I was wondering, if you’d maybe like to meet me at Starbucks. You know, chat a little or something like that.’’ She says shyly.

Oh my god! Did she just ask me out?! Yay!

,,Of course!’’ I say trying not to sound too excited. ,,When do you want to meet?’’

,,Great! How about 3 pm?’’ she asks.

,,Perfect!’’ I answer.

,,Okay. See you tomorrow then.’’ Callie replies. ,,Bye Zona.’’

,,See you.’’ I say before hanging up.

What did just happen?

I quickly get out of my room and run to Tim’s room. I knock.

,,Come in.’’ he calls. I open the door and get inside. I immediately start rambling and pacing around the room.

,,Okay, I need your help now. I can’t really handle this. I don’t know what to do. Maybe I’m overreacting, but this is so weird and what does it mean? And maybe I read too much in it, but what if I don’t? What am I supposed to ..’’

,,AZ!’’ Tim interrupts. ,,Calm down and then tell me what you are talking about!’’

I take a deep breath. ,,Callie just called me to let me know when her party will begin and that I could stay over the night, if I want to and then I was like ,yeah, I’ll talk to my parents’ and she was like ,great’ and then she .. she asked me to meet her tomorrow at Starbucks.’’ I finish my ramble.

,,She what?! AZ, that’s just great!’’ Tim says.

,,Is it? I mean, it is, but what if I bore her or what if I embarres myself?’’ I ramble again.

,,Arizona, stop worrying! She wants to meet you, so you won’t bore her. And you won’t embarres yourself. Come here.’’ He says and pats the empty space on his bed beside him. I sit down and he lays his arm around my shoulders. ,,Relax, Arizona. It’s going to be great, you’ll see. You’ve talked to her before and it was good, wasn’t it?’’ I nod. ,,See? Just be yourself and everything will be fine.’’ He says and places a kiss on top of my head. I sigh.

,,I know you’re right. Thank you!’’

,,Anytime, sis, anytime.’’


What should I wear? Damn it! What should I wear? That one? No. That one? No! I need new clothes. My drawer is empty now and my clothes are lying all over the floor.

,,Tim!’’ I shout. I hear his footsteps and my door opens.

,,What’s wro .. whoa! What happened here?’’ he asks after he spotted the chaos.

,,I don’t know what to wear.’’ I pout. He laughs in response. ,,That’s not funny! I want to look good!’’

,,Sorry, sis, but you should see your face.’’ He smiles. He starts moving around, looking through my clothes. He picks up a dark blue tanktop and a pair of light blue jeans. ,,Here, wear this. And put your white ballerinas on.’’ He says, holding out the clothes to me.

,,Thank you!’’ I say hugging him. ,,Oh, what about my hair?’’

,,Wear it open and curly.’’

,,Okay, thanks. I don’t know what I’d do without you!’’ I kiss his cheek before he leaves. I quickly change into the clothes he handed me and put on some make-up.  When I’m finished, I look at my watch. Thirty minutes. I grab my bag and head downstairs.

,,Mom! I’m leaving!’’ I call.

,,Okay honey, have fun!’’ she says, joining me at the door. I hug her and head out. It’s a beautiful day, so I decide to go by bike. I grab it and ride towars the mall. I arrive on time and hurry inside towards Starbucks. I entr the coffeeshop and spot Callie already waiting for me. She’s reading a book and hasn’t acknowledged me yet. I use the opportunity to take her in. She’s wearing a dark red top and very tight black jeans. Her long black curls frame her face beautifully. She wears only little make-up which shows her natural beauty. She takes her cup and sips a bit on her drink. Our eyes meet in the process and I feel my stomache flip. I smile and make my way to her table after getting a cappucchino.

,,Hey.’’ I greet.

,,Hey yourself.’’ Callie replies, smiling back at me. I sit down across from her. The table is pretty small, causing my knees to brush against hers. I jump slightly at the contact and look at her. She didn’t seem to notice. Thank god!

,,So,’’ I finally break the silence, ,,how was your day so far?’’

,,Good.’’ She answers. ,,I ate lunch with my parents and my sister Aria. She just started studying and obviously already fell in love.’’ She laughs. ,,She doesn’t stop talking about him. Tim here, Tim there.’’

,,Whoa! Wait!’’ I interrupt her. ,,Did you just say Tim?’’

,,Yeah, why?’’ she asks confused.

,,I fear that’s my brother.’’ I laugh.

,,No way!’’ Callie exclaims.

,,Yes, he told me about some new girl he met in the library, some really hot Latina. Seems to be in your family.’’

Her smile falters. Oh god! Did I just say that out loud?! I feel myself blushing. Say something!

,,Um, I mean .. um, well .. you’re hot and .. and your sister seems to be, so .. I .. um .. sorry.’’ I stutter, not daring to look into Callie’s eyes.

,,Oh, um, thanks.’’ She replies awkwardly. Smooth, Robbins, smooth! I hate myself! I need to chnge the topic.

,,So, Callie,’’ I start, ,,can I ask you something?’’

,,Um, sure.’’ She says.

,,I was wondering, if Callie is short for something.’’

,,Um, yes, it is.  My full name is Calliope, but only my parents call me that. I don’t really like it.’’ She frowns.

,,I think it suits you. It’s a beautiful name.’’ I say without thinking.

,,Did you just call me beautiful .. again?’’ Callie smirks, raising one eyebrow.

,,Well, yes, I did.’’ I blush again.

,,Thanks, you don’t look too bad yourself.’’ She replies winking, which makes me blush even more. Wait! Did she just wink at me? While telling me I’m beautiful? Is she flirting? No way! I look up at her and find her staring at me intently. Suddenly she averts her gaze and gets up. Her smile falters.

,,I’m just going to use the bathroom.’’ She says and walks away.

,,Oh, okay.’’ I replie more to myself than to her. Okay, time to think. Was she really flirting? Telling me I’m beautiful and winking? But maybe she’s just being friendly. I mean, she’s clearly into boys, not girls. She did have a boyfriend. But what if she really likes me? Maybe I’m not seeing things, maybe it’s true. Ah, my head hurts!

I look at my watch. Calliope’s been gone for nearly ten minutes now. Is she okay? Should I check on her? No, I shouldn’t. I’d make a fool out of myself.

After another five minutes, I really start to worry and decide to look for her. I get up and walk into the bathroom. I spot Calliope leaning over a sink, looking in the mirror. She looks up and looks at me. She’s been crying.

,,Hey, what’s wrong?’’ I ask as I rush to her side.

,,Nothing, Im fine.’’ She lies.

,,Is it because of George?’’ I ask worriedly.

,,No.’’ she answers. ,,I just .. I’m sorry. I needed to think about something and got a bit carried away in my thoughts.’’ She gives me a small smile, but I see pain and confusion behind it.

,,Do you maybe wanna go home? I’d understand. You’re not feeling good obviously, so ..’’ I start.

,,No! No.’’ She interupts. ,,I want to stay. I’m fine, okay?’’ she nods her head reassuringly.

,,Okay.’’ I replie. We walk out of the bathroom together and sit down at our table. ,,Are you really okay, Calliope?’’ I ask again.

,,Arizona, I’m fine.’’ She says a bit annoyed. ,,Trust me.’’ After a few seconds she looks at me again. ,,Did you just call me Calliope?’’

,,Um, yes. Is that a problem? I can keep calling you Callie, if you want.’’ I ask unsurely.

,,No, it’s okay. It sounds nice when you say it.’’

,,Well, Calliope it is!’’ I smile and she laughs.

,,You’re way too perky, Zona, you know that?’’ she says laughing.

,,Yeah, I know.’’ I smile. ,,Deal with it, Torres!’’ I add jokingly.

,,I think it’s cute.’’ She admits and instantly blushes. ,,Anyway,’’ she quickly adds, ,,do you have a boyfriend?’’ My eyes widen.

,,Um, no, I haven’t.’’ I answer.

,,Really?’’ she asks. Why does she seem to be excited by my answer? ,,But I bet there are people lining up for you.’’ What? ,,Or is there anyone you’re interested in?’’ she asks curiously.

,,I .. uh ..’’ I shift uncomfortably in my seat. ,,Well, there is someone, but I don’t think I have a chance. No, I KNOW that I have no chance!’’

,,Why? Every boy should be glad to be with you.’’ I raise my eyebrows. ,,I mean, you’re nice and caring and .. yeah.’’ She adds shyly. Okay, why do I keep having the feeling that she’s flirting with me?

,,Thanks.’’ I blush. ,,And to answer your question, it’s complicated. And I’m pretty sure I’m not their type.’’

,,Hm, maybe you should tell him. Or does he have a grilfriend?’’

,,Um ..’’ Crap! Should I tell her? At least that it’s a girl?

,,Zona, you still with me?’’ Calliope asks, waving her hand in front of my face.

,,Yeah, I just .. I .. it’s not a boy.’’ I blurt. Damn! I didn’t wnt it to come out like that. I see Calliope’s eyes widen and I immediately look down.

,,Oh, that’s .. wow!’’ she says slowly. Then an uncomfortable silence settles around us.

,,I’m gonna .. I should go.’’ I say and get up. Just as I’m about to leve, Calliope grabs my hand.

,,Don’t go.’’ She says.

,,Calliope ..’’ I start and turn to her.

,,No, please stay. I’m sorry, I didn’t want you to think that I have a problem just because you like a girl.’’ She explains and gives me a small smile. ,,It’s quite the oposite.’’ She adds quietly. She’s still holding my hand to prevent me from leaving. I sigh and sit back down.

,,You’re really okay with this?’’ I ask.

She nods. ,,Yes, without a doubt.’’ She hesitates and looks deeply into my eyes.

,,What?’’ I chuckle nervously.

,,I .. uh .. I’m in a similar situation, you know.’’ She begins.

,,What do you mean?’’ I ask unsure of what will come next. Calliope takes a deep breath before continuing.

,,There’’s this girl.’’ She says, her eyes never leaving mine. ,,I just met her, but I feel like I’ve known her forever. She’s beautiful with her blonde curls and her gorgeous blue eyes.’’ Wait! Is she talking about me? Is it possible? ,,When she’s unsure of somehting and looks the way she does now, she’s unbelievingly cute and makes me want to kiss her.’’ I’m frozen. I can’t even .. she IS talking about me! And she wants to kiss me?! Now? Here? She wants to KISS ME?! I have to say something! Right now!

,,Well, the girl I have a huge crush on also just became a part of my life. She’s miraculous. Breathtakingly stunning. And I just can’t stop looking at her.’’ I look deeply in her eyes. I don’t know where this confidence comes from, but I couldn’t care less. ,,Up until now, I didn’t know, if she felt the same way, but since she just admitted, that she wants to kiss me and she’s still holding my hand, I’m pretty optimistic now.’’ Calliope smiles at me and squeezes my hand. When she’s starting to lean in to kiss me, I suddenly become aware of the people around us. As much as I want to kiss her, I’m not ready yet to do that in public. Somebody we know could see us.

,,Calliope, let me show you something.’’ I say quickly. She looks confused.

,,Okay.’’ She says. ,,What is it?’’

,,It’s a surprise, but we need to leave.’’ I say and get up.

We walk out of the coffeshop and I guide her towards Danny’s and my favorite spot in the park. She holds my hand all the way which makes me hurry even more. When we finally arrive, Calliope stops dead in her tracks.

,,Wow! Zona, this is beautiful!’’ she exclaims and looks around. There’s not much here, just an old bench hidden behind some bushes. There’s a small pond in front of it. The sunlight is shining through the leafs of the trees, glistening on the water. I don’t know why this place is always empty. It’s so beautiful! Just like the girl in front of me who has just sat down. She pats the empty space next to her and gestures me to sit. I slowly walk over to her and sit down. We look into each other’s eyes for an eternity before I decide to speak.

,,Calliope, I’m sorry I pulled away back at Starbucks, but I don’t think I’m ready yet, you know. Not in public ..’’ I start.

,,It’s okay.’’ She interrupts me again. ,,As long as you don’t pull away now.’’ She says and leans towards me. I hold my breath and close the small gap between us. The moment our lips touch, the world around us disappears. The kiss is gently and innocent, but it feels so good! Her lips are even softer than I imagined. This is what heaven must feel like!

Too soon the kiss ends, leaving us a bit breathless. I open my eyes slowly to find Calliope looking at me intensely.

,,Wow.’’ She whispers smiling.

,,Yeah.’’ I replie also smiling. ,,So ..’’ I hesitate.


,,What now? I mean, we like each other and we just kissed ..’’

,,I’d say you’re my girlfriend now.’’ She says. ,,If you want to be.’’

,,Of course!’’ I laugh and pull my arms around her. I’m so happy! I could embrace the whole world! Calliope is my girlfriend. Yay! That’s so awesome! I pull away from our ambrace and look at her. The sunlight is dancing across her face which makes her look even more beautiful.

,,So, since you’re my girlfriend now, does that mean I’m allowed to kiss you whenever I want?’’ I ask smirking.

,,I’d say yes.’’ Calliope laughs in response. I slowly lean in again and capture her lips with mine, this time a bit more forcefully. I wrap my arms around her neck while she pulls hers around my waist. As I feel her tongue tracing my lips, I open my mouth. Our tongues meet and I feel electricity shooting through my body. I can’t help the though of how perfect this feels. I tangle my hands in her hair as she pulls me closer to her. After a few minutes of pretty intense kissing, I pull away breathlessly. Calliope opens her eyes.

,,Hi.’’ She says.

,,Hi yourself.’’ I replie, resting my forehead against hers.

,,As much as I’d like to stay here with you forever, we need to go home. It’s already past six.’’ She says.

,,I don’t want to go.’’ I pout.

,,Me too, but we have to.’’ Calliope says, kissing my nose.

,,I know.’’ I sigh and sit up.

,,How did you get here?’’ she asks as we walk back hand in hand. (A little hand-holding doesn’t do any damage, does it? Even in public.)

,,I went by bike. I left it back at Starbucks. And you?’’

,,My father brought me and he’ll pick me up again in half an hour. ‘’ she answers. We spend the rest of our way in silence, only stealing some glances in each other’s direction. When we arrive, I reluculantly let go of her hand to unlock the bike lock.

,,So,’’ I say after a while, ,,do you want me to wait with you until you dad arrives?’’

,,No, you don’t have to wait. I’ll be fine.’’ She answers.

,,Okay, then I guess I’ll see you tomorrow at the rehearsal.’’

,,Yeah.’’ Calliope replies. ,,Um, would you like to meet me before it starts?’

,,Of course!’’ I say. ,,I’m in the building right after school, like half past three.’’

,,I’ll arrive at four.’’

,,Okay. I’ll wait for you in front of the choir room.’’ I say before pulling her into my arms once more and kissing her cheek. ,,Bye, Calliope.’’

,,Bye, Zona.’’ She replies after kissing my cheek in return. I pull away and flash her a smile before getting on my bike and driing home. I turn around again before I round the corner to wave at my beautiful girlfriend and find her watching me. She waves back at me and I turn my gaze away from her again to look on the street in front of me. I can’t stop smiling the whole way home. I think I’m the luckiest and happiest girl in the world. Calliope is my girlfriend. Yay! I gotta tell Tim! As soon as I arrive at home, I run up the stairs and knock on his door.

,,Come in.’’ he shouts. I open the door and immediately start talking.

,,You won’t believe what just happened! I came into the coffeeshop and sat across from Calliope. That’s her full name, by the way, and we talked about our family and everything was great. Oh, the girl you met in the library? It’s her sister. And the whole time we were talking, I had the feeling that she was flirting with me, but I thought it was just my imagination. And then she asked me, if I had a boyfriend and I told her no, but that there was someone and she asked why I wouldn’t tell him and said that every guy should be happy to be with me and I told her it was a girl. And then she didn’t say anything and I panicked and wanted to leave, but she grabbed my hand and told me she also had a crush on a girl and then she started to describe her and it was me! And then I basically told her, that she is the girl I have a crush on and she said she wanted to kiss me and I brought her to our bench, you know, the one in the park, and then we kissed. I just had my first kiss with Calliope! And now we’re girlfriends!’’ I finish breathlessly. Tim just stares at me, mouth open. ,,Say something!’’ I demand.

,,Um, wow!’’ he begins. ,,That was a lot of information!’’

,,Is that all you have to say?!’’ I ask.

,,Uh, no! No, of course not! You’re with Callie now! That’s awesome!’’ he laughs. He pulls me into his arms and lifts me up. I laugh.

,,Yes, it is! She’s my girlfriend! Yay!’’ I squeal as he sets me down again.

,,So, now to me. Aria is Callie’s sister?!’’ he asks unbelievingly.

,,Yes, seems like we have the same taste in women.’’ I laugh.

,,Apperently.’’ He replies. ,,And maybe I’ll get as lucky as you today.’’

,,Why?’’ I ask.

,,I asked her out and we’re going on a date with her tonight.’’ He smiles.

,,Oh my god! Yay!’’ I squeal again and jump into his arms. ,,And just for the record: If Calliope couldn’t resist the Robbins charm, Aria won’t either.’’ I wink at him.

,,Haha, you’re right! We’re irresistable!’’ he laughs. ,,Now, I don’t want to be rude, but you need to leave. I have to get ready for my date.’’

,,Of course! I’ll leave. Have fun with Aria!’’ I say and hug him before leaving. Yeah, life’s so good! And right now it couldn’t get better!

fanfic: callie/arizona

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