Geminids & Rain

Dec 13, 2009 22:47

It has almost been two years since I've started reporting my rainfall data as part of the Community Collaborative Rain Hail and Snow (CoCoRaHS) network. Of course, we've been in a bit of a below normal precipitation trend as well.

As fate would have it, the two nights that I actually __want__ clear skies would have been last night and tonight: the peak of the Geminids.

The meteor shower is supposed to be one of the best annual shows currently. This could change in a few years, but it kinda stinks that the shower would coincide with one of the *few* rain weekends. Ah, December in California ... we get sunshine 10 months, and intermittent for 2.

I'm doubly sad that I have to go to work tomorrow. With a short break in the rain, late tonight and early tomorrow morning have the potential to be foggy. I love going for a walk in the fog.

Friday night I did go for a long walk between 4:30 and 6 pm to catch the Christmas lights. It was drizzling, but to be honest I enjoyed the humidity. Perhaps I'm part frog. Tonight I went out again, to a different neighborhood.

I should add more lights to my house. Right now I just have classic C-7 bulbs running the perimeter of my front. I just need to be inspired by something else. My folks have a cool dolphin they put out back. I'd like either a dolphin, train, or better yet: a Christmas beaver. Hmmm, do they make light up Christmas beavers?
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