Checking the Mic: Christianity

Jun 06, 2008 03:37

    "The Cosmos is expanding, every minute, every day, but their minds are shrinking as they close their eyes and pray."
-Stephen "MC" Hawking

Ah, my favorite time of the week.  It's time once again for another edition of "Checking the Mic" with MC Zabuza; thats me.
This week I'm doing a subject that has been one of the biggest annoyances in my entire fiendish life.  I'm talking of course, about the antithesis of my entire being, nay, the bane of all organized society itself.  What am I talking about you ask?  Well shut the fuck up and I'll tell you!  I'm talking about Christianity!  This sore, this vile, repugnant wound that festers on the face of all mankind, the biggest cult this side The Exodus PR Firm (Metalocalypse reference).  It is one of the blackest marks on all of you humans and it's about damn time someone, namely yours truly, shed some light on this subject.

My first topic I would like to bring up is that yes, Christianity is in fact, and indeed, a cult.  It was started some two thousand years ago by a group of wandering nomads; more like cattle sacrificing primitives, who fell for some lunatics rantings that he was in fact the son of god.  As the story goes on, said lunatic (And yes, Jesus was a lunatic, a bastard and a lunatic), the man known as Jesus was captured by the guard at the time, and put to death for his crimes as a heretic to the beliefs of Judaism (The only organized religion to get Monotheism right).  Now, several thousand years later, I have to sit, and listen with utter disgust, to ministers, priests, born again morons and people who call themselves scientists about how, being gay is a crime, abortion is murder, and stem cell research is an abomination.

So as I sit there, pondering which form of torture I'm going to put these people through and simmer over the fact that I can't exact the laws of nature and put these morons down, I get to thinking.....what the titty twisting fuck has got these people so brainwashed that they can't even think for themselves?  People, it's 200-fucking 8, the times are fucking changing and for fucks sake, stop telling me that my lifestyle is a sin.  I know my lifestyle is a sin its why I live it, because it pisses you the FUCK OFF!  I'm digressing of course because it's a passion of mine that I hate all organized religion, it's a crutch to society and keeping back your own evolution.  I think the fact that so many people are brainwashed by this cult is that they get them early.

Earlier this evening I was watching some stupid thing about Aquire the Fire, or whatever the fuck they like to call it, and I swear it was the biggest collection of doe eyed, vaccum headed idiots I have ever seen!  I swear some of these children couldn't even fucking READ!  Anyway, the whole purpose of this event, is to take teenagers and preteens, warp their fragile developing psyche's, and turn them into base, unthinking sheep!  They indocturnate them into their society of bigotry, intolerance, and outright hatred of all things not them, and frankly it makes me physically ill!  And it's not just the children, it's the drek that the weak minded listen to on their televisions, about an all powerful saviour that will save them from a pit of damnation; created by him, if they so much as breathe wrong.  I mean honestly?  Have any of you ever read the bible?  I mean the entire thing, both new and old testemant.  It reads like a psychopaths journal.  It teaches you how to abuse women, murder your children, rape your daughter, and torture and kill those that aren't like you.  The book is not all peaches and cream like your pastors try to tell you, and your christian god is not the smartest god in the bunch.  I mean for fucks sake, he murdered his own people four times, and sent them into bondage I don't know how many times?

Seriously people think about this, especially you christians, if your god had infinent patience and mercy toward his own creation, a creation he had doomed to constant hellfire from the start (Seriously folks, read the fucking thing okay?)  then why would he have done what he did to Adam and Eve.  Think about it; Adam and Ever were created to be basically fonts for gods power trip.  god told them that they could do anything but eat from one tree, which gave them a moral dilema.  If the thrice gods damned thing was the tree of knowledge, and adam and eve had a bit more brains than your average monkey, then how would they know that doing so would have consiquences.  Why were they so easily turned in the first place?  Oh, not to mention that in the old testament, and I mean the original writing of it, there was no Satan, there was no devil, so the serpent, the so called "form of the beast", which was actually one of gods own creations, and there fore a force of god himself according to you bible thumpers, was actually gods way of setting them up for one of the biggest falls since the dawn of time.  Also, now that I think about it, Abraham, Moses, you name it the bible is littered with the foolish writings of complete idiots who have wandered around because god told them to, only to be lead to ultimate destruction because of the fickle whims of a very human god.

"I am the lord thy god, but I am jealous god.  Thou shalt not have gods before me"  Wow, Jealousy, you know where I'm from, jealousy is the coveting of something that you don't have, a very, very human emotion.  Sounds to me like someones been yanking your chain for two thousand years.  To me, now this is a blasphemous half fiend talking here, the bible sounds like a two thousand year old fairy tale meant to frighten children and cattle sacrificing primitves into beliveing what a bunch of con men want them to believe about a great invisible man who will wag the multiversal finger at you if you so much as doubt his own being.  I mean come the fuck on people, seriously!  If your god is loving, if your god of mercy and justice was truly as merciful as it says in your story book, then he wouldn't condemn you to an eternity of damnation from which there is no escape for not believing in him.  Now I'm gonna wrap this up with a disclaimer.  Having not the capacity, yet, to fathom the mysteries of the universe, I cannot claim that the christian god doesn't exsist.  In fact, I'm pretty sure he does, but not as the entity you know it.  I see your god as a sort of capricious child, a bickering little twerp of a new god that came about some two thousand years ago, frightened a bunch of apes into believing in him to satisfy his own lust for power and control.


This has been MC Zabuza, Saying the shit you want to say, because I don't give a fuck.  *Drops the mic and leaves*
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