
May 23, 2005 20:18

Busy last couple of days. Lots of stuff going on. Disneyland on thurday night. That wasnt really too great. You didnt miss much Jared and from the looks of it you had a much better time. Other than Disneyland Ive been to monkey feet with Josh and Drew. Then we went to the mall to eat and wreck havok of the establishments. We also had time to print out stickers of our band. We rock. You should hear us some time. We are nonconventional and such. What with the banjo and the electric triangle manned by Drew and Josh respectively and there is me on the didgeridoo. Then we went to Colbys birthday party for some intense vollyball. Which was great. We need to go play at the beach this summer. Kelly and Jen arent allowed to come though. Im not about to be shown up by them. Sunday was a sleep in day for me. Then today was pretty easy. Didnt do much at school. After school was pretty intense though. Bought my prom tickets. Then off to get my senior pictures taken. Finally. We got them back an hour later and surprise surprise, they sucked. Not that i was shocked. I had been expecting this. At least I got those out of the way. Not many good things are on the horizon right now though. Stupid english teacher is making us do two projects. One due thursday, the other due a week from tuesday. As in the day after memorial day. What a bitch. Then ther is the ten chapter novella due in a week or so that I havent even started yet. Then I have to find a way to not fail ceramics which means I might just have to get off my lazy ass and work some in the coming days. Something is wrong with this picture. I should be sitting in the back of every class asleep waiting for the bell to ring. Not Scrambling to do shit I neglected earlier in the year. I have had enough of this inane bullshit. At least there is only 13 days left. Maybe more or less its close to that many though.
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