Game prep

Feb 02, 2017 16:30

Well last night I went to Woodman’s and picked up a Bota Box of Riesling, a 6 pack of Smirnoff Screwdrivers, and a bottle of White Winter Winery’s Blackberry Mead (Jan’s request) for our gaming get together with Melissa tomorrow night. They did not have anything from Von Stiehl winery so I had to go to HyVee to get Jan’s other request, Naughty Girl wine. I also picked up a box of brownies to make and a bag of Veggie Straws for snacks. I think its neat Jan picked wines from two places we have visited together on motorcycle rides. We went to the White Winter Winery on the second anniversary trip we took up to northern WI for a weekend of riding, sightseeing, and spontaneous camping. He still has the t-shirt he got there too. It says “A friend with mead is a friend indeed’ hehe.

I’m still looking forward to our get together, but I am a little concerned.. Jan’s doing the weird cheese run this week so he had to leave at 2:30 this morning, and he has to leave at 2:30 tomorrow morning too… He’s been trying to get naps in the afternoon so that he’s awake for a while in the evening, but it doesn’t always work. With Melissa coming over tomorrow night I worry that he will be too tired to hang out long or perhaps be kind of cranky from lack of sleep.. Which I would totally understand, but it would suck. Hopefully the boys are quiet(ish) after school tomorrow so he can get some rest.

I’ve been trying to do some extra cleaning/dusting/tidying to get ready for the company but I feel like our house is still cluttered and a bit messy.. Last night I didn’t do much really because after the grocery store it was time to eat and then I played a game with the boys because they had been requesting it. We played The Simpsons LIFE and Davin won. He chose not to go to college and he was a teacher who made $90,000 on pay days. Julien also chose not to go to college and he ended up being a nuclear technician who only made $20,000 on pay days. I went to college and was a Dr. and ended up getting $60,000 on pay days. This version is a bit different in that you pick cards randomly to see what your career will be and as long as it doesn’t say ‘education required’ you can keep it. Then you pick a salary card at random and if it matches one of the two colors on your career card you get to keep it. So for some of the jobs/colors there is a wide range of salaries you can get, so there is a lot of luck involved. So that was fun, but I didn’t get anything else done.

Well that’s not totally true I guess…I guess I did watch a couple episodes of The Magicians on Netflix.. I started watching it when it came out last year on Syfy, but I don’t have cable so I was just watching them online but then at a certain point (episode 3 or 4?) they stopped sharing them for So I was happy to see they released season 1 on Netflix. I see that season 2 is on tv now but I guess I’ll probably just have to wait until it’s (hopefully) released on Netflix next year. But no biggie, I’m not even half way through season 1 yet. And since Jan is not interested in watching another supernatural show with me (which is fine) I will probably only be watching it after everyone else is in bed.

Tonight about as soon as I get home we have to go to family therapy (just the two of us) then after that I’ll have to come home and do dishes and other last minute cleanup activities to get ready for our guest. Jan said he’d try and sweep when he got home if he wasn’t tired for his nap right away (sometimes it’s hard to fall asleep at odd hours), so that will be nice if he gets that done. Even though I just cleaned their bathroom this past weekend I’ll probably have to touch it up again, the boys make such a mess with their electric toothbrushes. Ugh, our game closet is a disaster too…it was already really full and we got a bunch of new games for Christmas.. Not sure I’ll be able to do much with that tonight though.. Oh, I’ll also bake those brownies tonight too. I’ll have to hide them so the kids don’t pig out on them after school tomorrow, hehe. It’s been a little challenging having them home about 2 hours before us because they understandably get hungry and we can’t even have dinner ready right when we get home. So they will frequently spoil their appetite eating a roll of crackers of whatever else they find to munch on. We generally don’t keep junk food in the house, so that’s good, but still causes issues sometimes. I feel bad though, I wish I could be there and have dinner ready for them at 5 or something..

I sent Jan an email today asking him about his thoughts on potentially hooking up with Melissa (tomorrow). I made a point to say that I know I misinterpreted her interest in me in the past, and I don’t have any reason to believe she’d want to get physical with us, but that I thought we should discuss it just in case something comes up. (She does seem to have a little wild side and with her being single now and with us hanging out and drinking tomorrow…) I said that I know he doesn’t want to practice polyamory with me right now, but that I was wondering if he’d be open to getting physical with someone in the meantime if we are both present and such. He said that the thought had crossed his mind too and that he would be okay with fucking Melissa. While fucking doesn’t sound very nice, kind of crass, I do like that he is open to it if something were to come up. He said that it does not mean he is okay with me dating people right now, and he’s afraid that if we did do something with her that I would just start thinking about sex with other people all the time again.. While I don’t think that is necessarily true, (I think about sex with other people now anyway, don’t know that it would increase though) I do wonder what would happen afterwards.. He said again that he will not be comfortable with being open and having me date other people again until I get counseling. Mentioning again that he thinks I am an addict.. So even though I highly doubt anything will happen I will be sure to do a good shaving and grooming tomorrow…just in case!!
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