Whoa! Huge Relief!!

Aug 23, 2017 16:49

Early last week I noticed two red spots in my genital/leg region and of course I was instantly worried about the potential herpes (HSV2) exposure I had back in January… I set up an appointment right away and had a swab test done even though the provider was 99% sure that it was NOT herpes. That test came back negative. She said that it was probably just folliculitis and gave me a prescription cream.

But when I talked to Jan about it, he still did not believe it wasn’t herpes… He was pretty upset that I hadn’t opted to take a blood test.. The provider had recommended against it because it would not be known whether it was oral or genital since both could show up orally but just outbreak at different times. (Since I already know I get occasional cold sores) And there would also be no way to know if it was something I had recently picked up or been carrying for years.. But I went back a week later (yesterday) and had the blood test done.

It has been pretty nerve wracking this last 24 hours waiting for my results, but luckily they were really fast and I already got them. I could practically feel sweat forming on my brow as I logged into MyChart… View Test Results….Herpes…. HSV1…..Positive (as expected) HSV2……………………………………………………………NEGATIVE!!!

So yay me! No genital herpes!! Thank god!!!!

I’ve been so stressed over what I would do if it came back positive… Jan has been so pissy with me since I told him I went in for testing. He’s been rude and mean. I can’t even imagine what it would it would be like if I actually had it. So luckily I don’t have to worry about that anymore.

Well…probably not. Jan decided to go in himself for a whole battery of STD testing. He went in today for more testing than I had done so we’ll see what his results say.. Of course if anything comes up he will automatically assume it was from me.. But oh well, nothing I can do about it but wait and see..
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