taiwan! stop killing precious animals for your little dick!

May 03, 2011 15:50

See also: cheap cialis |

i'm not a vegetarian. and i think every animal on this planet has a secondary function of being food for another. that is just the way life here works.

but NO ANIMAL should be killed for a stupid reason!

i called out the fire department once to take a snake away- a highly venomous, but utterly beautiful Taiwan Umbrella Krait. i watched them catch the snake,naively thinking they would relocate it. imagine my shock when i heard them talking about putting it into wine (pao jiou) to make a sex tonic.

despite the fact that they broke the law (taiwan snakes are protected species) the reason for doing it is the epitomy of stupidity.

first of all, is having a big stick the only part of pleasing a woman? a good climax is 90% emotional and good foreplay. but that information is lost on these assholes, who are too lazy and too stupid to open a book and find out what a clitoris is.

"just shove it" is their motto! i feel really sorry for taiwan women.

secondly, these "remedies" have NO SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE behind them. NONE! we know that order cialis works for most people (actually not drinking and taking a walk now and then works even better) but bear bile, snake bile, etc??

the thing is these remedies, like a LOT of things in chinese culture, WASTE TIME!

why go to all the trouble of having to hunt down an animal, kill it, stick it in wine for 6 months, when a pill can be made by modern machinery, in a clean environment in a few minutes? and that pill can be gotten from your doctor with a simple prescription!

and now people are buying "seal liver oil" Goddamn it! there are better ways to get DHA- borage oil for one. cod liver is another. lots better than clubbing a mammal to death!

and what about shark fin? our ocean ecology would be totally screwed without sharks. sharks eat up some of the fish that compete with other fishes we eat. they balance the food chain. and why are these sharks dying? because taiwan people think shark fin has some lucky meaning. precious animals have to DIE for somebody's tradition??!!

i've had it with all this traditon this and that! let's start using our brains and our hearts to take care of this planet.

that's what WE were put here for.
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