Jan 24, 2004 21:19
Well... so I'm sitting here just listening to music... whats new though right? I guess tonight I am going to go to Box's house to hang out with him and Campbell and that whole crew... Then maybe I might go to Aric's house later that night I don't know... I don't know, I'm kind of bummed about trying to find a job right now, No one is like hiring and I'm so far from like everywhere that is... But oh well... You ever notice how like sometimes you can just listen to music for hours on end and it just feels so good? I think in like the past couple of weeks I have downloaded like 250 songs and I can't get enough of all of them. I love just driving in my car and turning up the music and like screaming out the songs as loud as I can, it makes me feel so much better. Like if you feel like being angry, music can help you vent it, if you feel like crying, music is there and it will help let those tears out for you. I don't know, music has like always been in my life but like recently I have begun to really make it apart of me. I don't know... Hmm... I don't really know what else to write... I mean I could write something... But.... I don't know... Let's just say, I keep hope close to me...