Conference was really good, probably the best summer conference in terms of set up and an unusual lack of drama, which was nice. I'll probably post some more stuff about it later but for now, it's time to pimp out the files I worked on for the tournament.
Final Round Leg Speed File -
Paranoia Evil (Challenge) Stamina Song -
A 25 minute megamix of L.E.D. goodness with 8500+ steps. Mixed by Pickles, chart by Xythar, PlatinumHawke, Eggman, and myself.
R21 ready version)
They turned out great, especially the Denjin K Megamix. Give it a shot, or even just a listen, it's really good. :)
Also trying to figure out where else to post this to give the file maximum exposure. All that work put into it better be pimped out to the best it can. 20 hours in one week for me. x.x