Hi! Thank you! Sorry for taking so long to get this thing up!
First of all, let me just say that as long as you're writing me something (or making art, in the case of Gravity Falls) about one of these women I love I will love what you give me. You dig?
With that in mind, here are things I like and really do not want in fic:
Yes: happy endings when they're earned. long plotty fic, short pwps, anything in between. polyamory, asexual relationships, sexual relationships, hand holding, casual hookups, serious relationships. experimentations with tense, form, pov, etc.
No: parental death/illness (honestly: I can't deal with it, please don't), noncon, necrophilia, pedophilia, incest, non-character driven racism/sexism/[all]isms, forced happy endings that feel tacked on at the end (I'd honestly rather the sad ending), pregnancy* (and babies and precocious littles, etc.). Also I have a decent sized embarrassment squick--fair warning.
That's basically it. I'm not huge on porn-sans-plot-and/or-character development, but I'll read it. I like character names to be spelled correctly. Also other words. But, again, not deal breakers per se. I tend to be more fond of non-AUs, but if you have an AU in mind that you really want to write I'd much rather you write something YOU love because that seems to out in fic I find. So, basically, you do you.
If you want more information about the individual fandoms I've requested,
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Faith and Buffy, Faith
I absolutely adore Faith, and Faith & Buffy together, and would love anything about her or them as the case may be. Post-series would be great! Or tell me a story about pre-series Faith! Or, heck, give me something set in between the episodes of season 3 (or tell me how season 3 could've gone if we just stepped an inch to the left)! I totally ship Faith/Buffy, so if you want to go the femslash route I'm 100% there. Pairing-wise, I also like Faith/Giles, Faith/Dawn, and Faith/Slaying.
Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries
Elizabeth MacMillan
The further adventures of Mac: I'd love just about anything here, whether it has to do with her career, her love life, her friendship with Phryne, family, or anything in between. I'd equally love a story about the time she and Phryne got drunk and made out for a while before deciding that, hey, they're best as friends and a story about Mac falling in love with an OC (or other Miss Fisher character) and having to deal with all that entails. Or a story about her early days in medicine. Or her first crush. Or whatever story it is you want to tell. I don't really have any Mac pairings in mind, but I'd prefer no Mac/Dot and I'd prefer any Mac/Phryne to be in the friends who maybe fooled around a bit mold.
Birgitte Nyborg Christensen
Oh, Birgitte. I'd love anything about her--pre-series family stuff, pre-series career stuff, post-series anything at all. Just give me more about her and I'll be thrilled. A scene from her early marriage or something set between seasons 2 and 3 or simply a moment we don't see set during the events on screen. I don't really ship Birgitte with anyone, so feel free to stick to canon pairings or gen or even a pairing you just really love.
The Musketeers (2014)
Anne of Austria, Constance Bonacieux, Milady de Winter, Samara
Adventure! Romance! Cunning! Tell me stores about any/all of these women, doing what they do (or wish they could do) and being awesome. I honestly love all four of the nominated characters and would love any story you tell me about them. I love the canon time period and setting, but if you have this idea for how all four of them join forces to conquer all of Europe I wouldn't say no to such a thing. I don't really have any pairings in mind here either--just keep it all consensual and I can dig it--and I like gen just fine.
Gravity Falls
Mabel Pines, Pacifica Northwest
Mabel! Pacifica! I'd love adventures in Gravity Falls or futurefic there (or elsewhere) or a scene from one or both of their younger days or anything strange and wonderful and weird and delightful. As long as it feels like Gravity Falls, I'm there. Bonus points for Waddles. I'm totally into Mabel/Pacifica, but only when they're a bit older.
. If you don't, feel free to move forward with the yes/no information in mind and I'm sure whatever you write/draw/etc. will please me to no end. <3 and thank you, darling person!
*unless the character I've requested is actually a mother. In which case go for it when it comes to pregnancy, motherhood, etc., but I'd still prefer no super precious littles.
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Dreamwidth. Comment here, comment
there, comment anywhere. I'm partial to Pony Express.