[Hey, Yuletide Writer!: A Letter]

Nov 18, 2010 23:14

Hey, awesome writer person! Yeah, that's right, I'm talking to YOU.

You offered to write in one of my (rare & *coughnotsorareDegrassisorry*) fandoms, and for that you rock like a rocking thing holding a rock and then kicking a rock across the parking lot. Who then rocks out some more to the best music ever made. That's right, Jon Bon Fuckin' Jovi.*

Now that we've got the silliness portion of our letter out of the way, let's get into the nitty-gritty. Starting with my Do Not Want list, so you can click on back to whence you came if you don't want to read any further. Please do not ignore my Do Not Want list, okay? It's small, but pretty important (i.e., if you ignore it and include something from it, I may not read your story because, well, Do Not Want, though I was raised right and will still say "thank you"). Okay? Okay!

Things that will make me back button no matter how well-written the story may be include: noncon, necrophilia, pedophilia, incest. I also have a pretty big embarrassment squick (I mean, I've watched The Office, but not comfortably--and often an episode can take more than one sitting for me to work through).

That's about it. I'm not huge on porn-sans-plot-and/or-character development, but I'll read it. I like character names to be spelled correctly. Also other words. But, again, not deal breakers per se.

Things I like include, but are in no way limited to: fun with POV, fun with linear vs. non-linear storytelling, fun with tone, fun with writing. I really dig character studies, stories that really get into what makes a character tick, and I like relationships that can't work out as much as I like my happy endings. I like doubt, and hope, and theology; I like actors, and directors, and I like the random deity. I like fairy tales. I like interesting turns of phrase, I like the perfect line, I like any story written just for me. If you have any questions about my taste (or lack thereof), feel free to ask tangleofthorns, who probably knows my fannish tastes better than I do.

My request details are in no way required, and I included them mostly to give you an idea of where I am, what I've been thinking about, in relation to the source material. And when it comes to the lonely request in which I mention a pairing, I'm not going to define them any further than to say that it's up to you, oh magnificent writer person, to determine just how romantic/explicit (or not) you want to go with them. Don't be afraid of the gen. Or the slash. Or the het. I'm good with all three, and I'm way more interested in character development and good writing than, say, Characters X & Y getting it on.

China Beach
Frankie Bunsen
Um, so basically I just really love Frankie and would love any fic about her at all. Pre-series? Sold! An episodic slice of life in country fic? Brilliant! Post-Vietnam? Post-even-the-reunion? Great! Gen is awesome. I like both het and slashiness, so if you want to write some sort of pairing fic I'll dig that too (though I'd prefer you stick to canon characters if you want to go the relationship route).

Frankie Bunsen, y'all. Tell me all about her. Fill in the blanks about her life.

This show, alas, is not out on DVD (nor is it expected to be anytime soon), so it's a little hard to get your hands on if you don't have those old VHS tapes lying around from when you taped it when it aired or whatever. It is doable though. If you don't mind, um, methods. And vaguely questionable quality. So, yeah, what I am trying to say here is feel free to contact me (or tangleofthorns if you're going the secrecy route) and she or I will try to point you in a useful direction. In conclusion, music rights leading to no DVDs being released makes me a sad sad me.

Degrassi The Next Generation
Adam Torres, Alli Bhandari
Whether it's romantic or platonic, I really just want fic about these two characters interacting. Maybe they end up at university together. Maybe they cross paths at a restaurant. I'd especially love future fic--both characters have some degree of self-esteem issue as teens and I'd love to see them stronger, more sure of themselves--but do justice to the characters and I'll love a story with them at any age.

So, right, it turns out that this show is completely and utterly charmingly addicting, what with its lessons learned and its adorable "actors" and its epic PC-ness, etc. And I really love these characters: Adam I loved from the get-go, but Alli took a bit to grow on me. But once she did, I wanted hugs and popcorn fights and all the teenage happiness cliches for her. I miss her, dearest writer! I do! While I'd love shippy fic about these two, I'd equally love a story about them dorking out about science or something. Anything goes.

East West 101
Amina Malik, Jung Lim, Mariam Malik
I really love the women on this show in general, and these women in particular. Tell me a story about one, two, or all three of them (honestly, I'm requesting all three because I'd he equally happy with a story about any one of them, not because I need a story where all three meet up over tea or something). Talk about religion. Talk about work. Talk about family. Talk about these women.

Okay, first I'm going to go with a no-no for me here: please to not be writing Amina cheating fic. Please and thank you. Her marriage and children are obviously a huge part of her life, so you should totally include them if you want. But. No. Amina. Cheating. (Or, preferably, being cheated on.) I just. Please don't.

Other than that, anything goes. Seriously. Jung Lim slash? Awesome! Mariam Malik backstory? Keen! Heck, even Amina/Zane Malik! I AM ALL IN. Seriously, I am totally easy for all of these characters.

The English Patient
Honestly, I'd read anything about Kip. Tell me stories about his past, his future, his family, a guy he said hello to once, whatever you want.

Kip is awesome. Tell me more about how awesome he truly is. I love Ondaatje's writing--that's what really drew me into the book in the first place--but that doesn't mean I expect an Ondaatje clone from this request. Tell me about Kip in your words, in your style, and I will be the happiest me to ever me.

See? Nothing scary to see here, I swear!

Mostly, though, I want to thank you in advance. Thank you! For knowing at least one of the fandoms I've requested, for volunteering to write in it, and for being as kick-ass as I know you must be!

*Disclaimer: not actually the best music ever made. Fun to rock out to, though. Whip out the Aqua Net, we're going Jersey style up in here.

This entry also lives at Dreamwidth. Comment here, comment there, comment anywhere. I'm partial to Pony Express.


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