[vamanos gigantes]

Nov 01, 2010 23:14

I've only been rooting for them for about 2 years now, so I'm in no way a long-suffering fan or anything (plus, my primary team has had oodles of recent success), but man it's awesome that the Giants won the World Series. (It's also awesome that I can finally wash my lucky Lincecum tee, as it's, um, not exactly fresh anymore.) (Also I think this means we need to defrost the rest of the Panda-cakes because they were both delicious AND lucky. Yay for lucky baked goods!)

In celebration, here is a link to the Barry Zito/Billy Beane commentfic called Trade 420 For WORLD SERIES TICKETS - $420 (sausalito) that I wrote the other day. I linked to it in a locked post, but, hey, now I will link in a non-locked post! Because I can! And, no, I will not be writing any Barry Zito/Tim Lincecum &/or Tim Lincecum/Buster Posey &/or more Barry Zito/Billy Beane fic as a sort of post-Series party because, well, NaNo is now. So I can't. Woe.

This entry also lives at Dreamwidth. Comment here, comment there, comment anywhere. I'm partial to Pony Express.

sport:boys of summer

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