Feb 22, 2008 07:58
I guess...I really shouldn't be surprised or shocked. This is, just how you are - have been, ever since we met back on Duelist Kingdom.
I have to admit, though, that the time I started thinking about you the most was during Battle City - yes, my primary focus was on Yugi and Jounouchi - but you never were far from my thoughts. I've always admired you from a distance I suppose, but never really had the guts to really step up and say anything to you.
But, when you showed up here in Domino again, after our last adventure, I must admit, I was surprised considering everything that you'd gone through and whatnot...I honestly thought you'd leave forever and never come back.
I was glad. I was glad to see you again.
And even though our time once again was short, I thank you for these moments we shared...they will forever remain in my memory.
And one more thing I wanted to always say to you, but never had the guts to...
I love you. I wanted so badly to tell you that when we were in Pegasus' greenhouse that time, but damn that man for having such timing, heh. Oh well...
But even though you'll never read these words, I hope you had some of the same feelings I've depicted in this letter. Please take care of yourself, and who knows? Perhaps when I go to the school in New York, maybe our paths will cross again...
Love you babe.
letter to mai