Sep 14, 2007 07:15
It feels like it's been much longer than 3 weeks to me. But it's true. One test down, one more in a week and 1/2 or so, and the material is coming on fast and.. confusing. The overall quality of instruction in lecture has gone down with this second section of "Molecules and Cells" which is sad, because this is fun stuff, genetics and molecular biology. We're getting a few new lecturers next week as we move into eukaryotic genetics, and these are members of the program I'm in, so I can only hope they're a little more organized in lecture presentation.
the hopkins student-run volunteer mentorship/tutoring program, IMP, started yesterday. We were able to meet the high school students that we'll be working with for the next 3 years. The student my 'family group' had originally been assigned turns out to have dropped out of school before this year even started (which makes me sad) and the new student, Shawanda, is really nice. It's a coincidence that the program is called 'imp" which means devil child, but the woman who started it said it was rather appropriate because that's how these kids act sometimes. But Shawanda was so determined to get as much out of tutoring as she could, it was awesome. She opened up to our group, she shared some poetry she'd written for class that she got an A on, I was really wonderfully surprised how interested in the program she was.
I think I've got a cold, so I'll be sleeping a lot this weekend, but also trying to get reading done for class while i'm resting up. Saturday I'm helping out with the arts and crafts fair and my new church in Baltimore, so that'll be fun.