In life we approach many crossroads

May 30, 2008 19:18

And Im hoping to choose the right lane

This week has involved a whole lot of getting my life back on track now my brain is no longer fucked by exams. Ive sorted alot out for Germany to which I leave for early tomorrow, made a serious update to my wardrobe (which my credit card has hated), threw away a whole lot of crap, I could still do with throwing more but nows just not the time yet. Apparently its a teacher habit hoarding anyway so Im bloody screwed! More seriously is Im finally registered as self-employed for my freelance teaching which means a whole lot of form filling to do when I get back but I actually feel like Ive achieved something, daft as ive been doing the job over 2 years but by taking it seriously it gives me a little more direction, well in my mind anyway.

As for right lanes, the boy, not sure whether its right for me. Long distance, younger, blonde its opposite to everything I say I want, its just too difficult, makes me want to blow it off I think. But at the same time I always find it hard to let go. A friend once said to me a monkey never jumps to the next tree till he can grasp the branch, i have no next tree which is unusual for me but it may do me good not to rely on a boy to make me happy for once. Anyway in my mind ive got 6 weeks were contact with the majority of people is down to email (yes you must all send me lots of emails in case i gets homesick) so it gives me space to clear my mind and actually some sort of plan of action so I dont fall into my usual pattern of behaviour and just grab the nearest thing I fancy no matter how bad they are for me. Made difficult by the fact that everyone else is in relationships (yes I am the green eyed monster, not my best quality but youve got to be honest) but Im sure Ill find ways around it.

Anyway the plan is for this summer to be awesome Im starting it with a bang and its hopefully going to be filled with new experiences, I refuse to let it be as shit as it was last year. So any mini adventures people count me in, my overdraft has been extended especially - silly I know but it really is my last proper summer before I have to do this growing up business and get a proper job so I refuse to let money issues stand in the way of that.

Now Im off to just shit myself a little more about the school I shall have to be in where no child speaks my language.
Wish me luck!
And it would be really awesome to hear from people whilst Im out there
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