Lent: Rearranging my priorities

Feb 21, 2010 01:13

Heavy religious content; I won't critize you for your beliefs, I ask that you do the same for me.

So, lent is here again and earlier today in the shower due to conversations I've had in the past few days and just in general made me realize things that I knew before but now I'm actually going to try to do something about them.

Originally for lent I was going to give up all sweets since I've been eating a lot of them lately as well as fasting for two days a week.  But deep down I knew my intentions for this weren't pure; my sacrifices weren't truly for the Lord my God.  So, today I decided to give up all excess and non productive internet browsing.  I can check my email and use BLS because that's for school.  But I can only check the sites on my tool bar once a day for updates or to update in general (facebook, twitter, LJ, oceanup, goodreads...so and and so forth).  All other sites if they aren't related to school or doing something productive I shouldn't be doing.  And I'm going to try to limit my iChat and MSN time to an hour only after I do my daily QTs (because I've been slacking).  Originally I thought that I would just give up iChat and MSN in general but I decided against it because I have good friends that I can only contact through AIM.  I don't want to disappear or have our friendship die because I feel all my friends are gifts and blessings from God.  So I feel that an hour, only after I do my QTs is good.  I'm also going to continue to try to give up sweets and fast for two days a week.  Even though my motives are unpure, that's what I said I would do, and so I'll stick to my promise.

I really hope that this will not only bring me closer to the Lord (because I have been slipping and I hate it) but it will help me to be productive in the areas that the Lord my God has called me to do.  He gave me my life, my talents, and the blessings in my life.  I should not waste it by sitting in front of computer refreshing page after page.  That's wasting his precious gift of life.  Also, he called me to be a student and I've been falling behind on my work.  So I'm hoping this will also get me caught up on my work in that area as well.

In the long run I'm hoping this will not only help my time management but show myself that it's not then end of the world if I don't spend forever and a day on my laptop every day. hahah

Now, technically this is all extremely private yet I wanted to write this here because I wanted to write it. I wanted to have it somewhere written so I can see my promises out in front of me, and hopefully these actions will help me keep what I have given up.

god, schoolwork, college, homework, bible study, kcf

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