Hello All

Feb 25, 2008 21:14

After a hectic weekend of almost no sleep and

So I haven't gotten any fanfiction writing done....BUT during class today while we were listening to a poem I got inspired and started writing a poem on the spot.  After going through three drafts and with a little bit of help from my friend Morgan I now have a final draft but no title.  T_T

When my work isn't titled I don't feel like it's complete BUT I really want to post it because I'm proud of it.  ^_^  Sooooo here we go.  And I want to start posting my poetry again.  Because I still don't have all of them posted.  There's 20 files in my poetry folder and I know I don't have that many posted here.  So hopefully I'll start posting stuff on a somewhat daily basis again.

I think the name for now will be Stars....but I'm not really sure.  I hope soon that I'll figure out a new name and come back and change it.


Do you feel it too?

The pull of emotions?  The chemistry?

I know you do.  It’s hard to miss.

Long conversations over chocolate and coffee,

the meaning of time ceases to exist

as minute after minute passes

filling the air with serenity.

I want to reach out to you,

hold you close to me so you’ll never leave.

But I am too afraid.

We stare at the moon and


Dreaming of far off things

and dreading the future.

You stand so close to me

our arms almost touching.

I long to lean my head on

your shoulder

I am too afraid of being pushed away.

But I feel as though

you’re as far as the


from me,

I’m afraid that I’ll never touch your heart.


I turn away, but I know I’ll be back.

Addicted to the thoughts of you

I can’t help but miss you when you’re gone.

poetry, writing

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