
Feb 08, 2008 17:05

I sit in my school library waiting for someone that I know won't come tonight.  It's a habit, however to see him here.  However tonight is different.  It's friday and I'm sure he has better things to do than come to the library.  So lucky are the people who had lunch with him today.  Anyway....

Saturday -  quite frankly I don't remember....I think I went over to the Asian house to hang out.  And I think I did some Japanese homework there...but I can't remember exactly.  All I know is that I didn't get to write last friday like I had planned too....

Sunday - Studied.  All day.  I was quite proud of myself.  But late that night I got sick and around 12 I was brought to the hospital.  Yes, again.  >_<  I sound like a horribly sickly creature, but really I'm not!~  I'm usually healthy!  Anyway, got my first IV and the nurses had to hold me down for it.  I don't like needles at all.  I don't mind blood, its the needle part that I can't stand.

Monday - Spent most of the morning in the hospital and then was picked up by Ed.  Got back to my room, took a shower and hung out.  I went to the campus center with Jacqui that night for food and she was flipping out because she hadn't seen me for two days.  I waited for soup that I could have and that's when I started talking to him.  And then he wanted to eat with Jacqui and I, I of course agreed.  But I didn't like him then.  When we went to go meet Jacqui she had to go back and study in her room so it was just him and I.  And we sat in the campus center until one in the morning talking.  It was amazing.

Tuesday - Japanese class.  Picked up my package full of new gloves!  And neon fishnets.  Down side = I feel and scratched my phone.  T_T  And then massive amounts of make up work.

Wednesday - Classes.  LIbrary, and studied for Japanese test.  He helped me a bit with one of my Japanese assignments.  Stayed up until 4:30 reading a book for a class.  X_x

Thursday - Studied for Space test with Daisuke and then by myself.  And then I went to dinner with everyone.  And then me and Jacqui hung out in the library while I waited for his call.  He called a bit later than he said, causing me to flip out.  >_<  (I'm pathetic.)  But we got coffee anyway.  And talked until the cafe closed.  And then we went into the campus center and talked until that closed too.  I think it was around one again.

Today - Classes and test.  Got my package from my mom.  Ran into Taka had lunch with him.  Went back to my room and hung out there for a bit.  And now I'm in the library....waiting.  Waiting for something to happen, anything almost.  Ah, I should probably write something.  Anything.  I'm going to possibly try spitting out some poetry.

Needless to say I'm fucking exhausted.  I have never done that much studying in one point in time in my entire life.

And so far my track record hasn't been this good this semester.  Last week an allergy attack and this week hospital trip.  >_<

Jonas tickets go on sale tomorow.  I'm so excited to go see them, and I hope we get some good seats.   XD

She's an underdog
Lives next door to me
She's always heard you won't amount to anything
And it kills me to watch the agony beyond her eyes
Tragic the way people pass her by
But now I realize

That everyone sees her
But nobody knows her
She screams in her pillow
For a better tomorrow
She hates it
But she takes it
Watch out for that girl
One day she may change the world

She's original
Never trying to fit in
She's got a way to always go
Against the grain
Oh yea!
Someday they'll see how beautiful she really is

hospitals, jonas brothers, boys

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