Random drawings, whatever...

Dec 15, 2009 22:46

Bought myself a moleskine sketchbook a few weeks ago. Too expensive D: but I did become a lot more motivated to draw again so I guess it worked. Lately I need to bury myself in things to keep my brain from thinking too much (about stupid stuff) and from now on I'll try with drawing. I've already tried reading and studying, but I've already run out of good books and school is almost over.

Sorry if all of these aren't of the happy variety ^^; Some of them were drawn in class~

I'll try to finish this one ^^;

I reread my favourite chapters of Genji Monogatari and illustrated some them. This is from the third chapter; Utsusemi. He's actually supposed to be indoors, but I wanted to draw rain so I drew rain >w< I also did one of the Aoi chapter but it didn't turn out very good D: I tried to watch the Genji Monogatari anime too, but I had to stop watching since Genji's lashes bugged me too much. They were ridiculously thick D:

I like the hands here :x

Something happier~ I dedicate Aries to shisukoisa for introdicing me to this addicting manga/anime~ It's fun to try and adapt something so stylized to my own "style" XDD

This is a bit older, but I might as well post it here for archieving purposes. I gave away the original so I can't get a better scan of it. It's good I gave it away though, since I have some issues with it now.


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