Dec 12, 2004 20:20
Hello everybody (or like the 4 ppl who are reading this). I hope you are doing well. It's Sunday evening here in 1503 #303ville. Yesterday was a fun day. Cynthia and I watched the top model marathon on VH1 for... a good while... but we also stopped briefly for incriments of work or sleep. Man it was so awesome to watch it since we haven't got to see it all semester. I seriously wished Whitney whore could have been there too though b/c then it would have been like old times. Not that Cynthia isn't enough. I definitely had fun climbing over her every time I had to pee and laying all over her in strange positions that made her say "um, I'm not quite comfortable with this." Oh, and I like to play with my belly fat... which also makes her uncomfortable. I would like to say that I do not like Amanda on that show though and I cannot believe that she has made it to the top three. Her hair is way bad.... who thinks she's pretty. She was ok beforee the makeover, but come on, not now. Anywho...
Then last night I ate at Chiles with Stephen (who had to drag me away from the ANTM marathon kicking and screaming....literally!) And we rented Fahrenheit 9/11. It was really good, and now we are in the process of watching FahrenHYPE 9/11 which talks about what isn't true in Moore's movie. I don't really know what to believe. I believe it all I think, but I'm impressionable when it comes to ppl who I think really are smart and know what they are talking about. Some of what Moore said is completely true, but other stuff he took way out of context and manipulated for his own purposes. It was still quite funny.
This morning was church at FPC. I love that church and Chip Miller. I'll miss it over break. Oh, but unfortunately they have also engaged in the 40 days of purpose bible study. C'mon everyone, let's join and find our purposes in only fourty days! Who knew it was so simple! YAY! I'm gonna have a purpose! (ok enough sarcasm from me)
Well, I'm off to study Greek now. I have that exam in the morning. Then lunch and workin out and packing. Oh, and turning in my "oh so hard" final for Senior capstone...the class that wasted three hours of my week. (yeah right, like i ever went all three days during a week!)
Talk to ya' later alligators! After a while Crocodile!!!!!
oh, I talked to some Chinese students today. I can't wait to travel again. I also watched Bourne Identity, great movie! I love it. (i've seen it before) but it sparked my travel bug once more and now I wanna go go go and live everywhere everwhere!!!!!!!!